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Only the wealthy can defend themselves

World Nut Daily looks at SAF’s suit against NYC. It costs more in fees and licensing than it does for the gun.

3 Responses to “Only the wealthy can defend themselves”

  1. Mike Says:

    Meh, color me “unsurprised” and “uncaring”.

    Look, NYC gets all of the laws, regulations, taxes, and government that its residents ask for. NYC is a prime example of liberal governance, supported by a liberal populace, reinforced by a liberal culture. They reap as they sow.

    Try that crap in MY neck of the woods, though…

    Anybody dumb enough to move to NYC deserves what they get: ALL of it, in spades.

  2. Chas Says:

    Markie Marxist sez: “Gun owners in New York City are getting off cheap! We only charge them $340 for a gun license because we don’t have the clout to just send them to the gulag for wanting a gun license. If they’re denied a license, for one reason or another and we have lots and lots of reasons to deny them, then we do get to just send them to the gulag, like that Plaxico Burress guy, or that Bernie Goetz guy, or lots and lots of other guys. After all, in the post-Heller environment, people have an individual right to keep and bear arms, and we Marxists have the power to send them to prison for doing so, so the post-Heller environment looks a lot like the pre-Heller environment, unless the bars have been painted a different color recently.”

  3. junyo Says:

    The stated fee only represents part of the cost. Since there is only ONE office to apply for the permit in the entire city of New York, open odd hours, and the application must be filed in person and followed up with at least one in person interview, there is a considerable time, travel, lost wages cost for most people who don’t live downtown.

    Anybody dumb enough to move to NYC deserves what they get: ALL of it, in spades.” I didn’t realize that being a demographic minority meant that one had surrendered their Constitutional rights, or that you should have to live in BFE to exercise them. While running off to live someplace where everyone agrees with you is the easy way out, it’s not desirable or a viable option for everyone. And it doesn’t mean that their rights are, or should ever have been, subject to popular vote.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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