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Move over zombies and face eating monkeys

Next threat, flying bears.

5 Responses to “Move over zombies and face eating monkeys”

  1. Tam Says:

    Okay, but to which faction do the flying bears belong? The Pirate Faction or the Ninja Coalition?

  2. mikee Says:

    Once again, reporters can’t get science correct.

    The bear was a projectile, not an independently powered, direction-adjustable air-supported creature. This was a ballistic bear, not a flying bear!

    And the answer to the question, “What caliber bear does one need to take out a Canadian driver and back seat passenger?” has been quite completely demonstrated. A black bear will do, no grizzly required.

  3. Jake Says:

    And now it seems we have to watch out for the winged deer, too.

    Evolution in action? Or just mutations from the radiation coming from Japan?

  4. Chas Says:

    Markie Marxist sez: “Obviously, capitalism is to blame! We would not have flying black bears hitting cars on the highways under Marxism! No one would be able to afford a car.”

  5. Beaumont Says:

    Hmm…ballistic bears…makes me want to dig out that old “Right to Arm Bears” T-shirt.

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