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ATF investigation round up

Issa staff leaks emails. And knowledge of the operation goes to the top. And they lied about it.

NSSF has a statement and report.

Links to documents and commentary from John.

Michael Bane has more, notably speculation on abuse of power:

I think ATF believed it had enough regulatory juice to keep the gun stores involved from talking, or if not keeping them from talking demonizing them, and maybe driving them out of business, if they did.

2 Responses to “ATF investigation round up”

  1. BenC Says:

    How is a public release a leak?

  2. Chas Says:

    “…preventing loss of life was not the primary concern.”

    Markie Marxist sez: “That’s ridiculous! Our Marxist/warrior/hero/criminals are supposed to kill people to give us the body count we need to advance our gun ban agenda! That’s why we were making sure that they had plenty of guns, while getting away with that by blaming it on the private sector! It was just a common communist sense approach, really.”
    “And as for those gun stores, we nationalized them with our FFL system. We own them! One wrong word out of them and they’re fired! No FFL = no job. Ha! Ha! All your gun stores are belong to us!”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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