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Kids and guns

11 year-old McKenzie at the range:

I love this country. Some times.

9 Responses to “Kids and guns”

  1. Kevin Baker Says:

    I can hear panties twisting from here!

  2. emdfl Says:

    Looks like she might have to soft a grip there. I saw at least three FTEs there.

  3. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    emdfl, positions of distress do that to your grip, even with full sized pistols. With those pocket pistols that are all the rage with the kids and their hippin’ and hoppin’ the impact is magnified.

  4. Jerry Says:

    I think she carried herself well.

  5. Alchemyst Says:

    She handled the FTE’s so well I have to think it’s happened enough to make her proficient. Something like a Browning Hi-Power would cut down if not eliminate them. It would certainly make her score improve.

  6. Benny Says:

    @emdfl; looks and sounds like a Tactical Response class. If that is the case, they favor ball and dummy drills. Pretty much through the entire course. Covers your malfunction drill and gauges your trigger control. By day two, when you hit a dummy round and see that front sight dip, you know what to work on. Speaking for myself. =)

    I’m waiting for the comments on the muzzle up and 360 scan. =D

  7. hsoi Says:

    Man… what’s with Unc (re)discovering ancient videos as of late and posting ’em as if they’re fresh news? 😉 Next he’ll post the video of this same girl stripping and reassembling an AR in under a minute….

  8. SayUncle Says:

    if i haven’t seen it, it’s new to me.

  9. Kim du Toit Says:

    I hadn’t seen it either. Post more, Unc. Nothing puts a smile on my face quicker than a woman shooting. Unless it’s a little girl shooting.

    And I like the FTE drill — great idea.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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