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and some days, your shooting sucks

Mentioned I went and shot in the Glock Sport Shooting Foundation match this weekend. And let me tell you, I sucked. Chris from Glock told me I had too much going on in my head. It’s a trend I’ve noticed with me. After I do training with someone else and learn new stuff, I try to use it. And I focus more on that than on sight alignment and trigger squeeze. It was definitely mental. As the day wore on, I got worse.

For instance, on the Glock the Plates stage there were four strings. My first string I did in about 8 seconds, next two were in the nines. So, getting worse. Then, on the fourth string, I couldn’t knock over the last three plates. In 14.5 seconds I left 3 plates standing.

I need to shoot more.

7 Responses to “and some days, your shooting sucks”

  1. Jay G. Says:

    Amen, Unc…

  2. Jennifer Says:

    “I need to shoot more”

    Don’t we all.

  3. ATL Says:


  4. Ellen Says:

    I was always a much better pheasant shot than a duck shot. Ducks gave me time to think; pheasants didn’t.

  5. mariner Says:

    Yes to all, and it’s hard to find a place to practice with plates.

  6. drizzle Says:

    I discovered, when a trainer watched me, that I tend to slap the trigger, rather than holding it to release and pulling again. My times have gone up with this simple change (and, of course, practice…)

    St Paul

  7. Bat Chain Puller Says:

    Work on one thing at a time, perfect it, then move on. I learnt this playing golf because in every foursome, I had three coaches. Flex your knees, keep your head down, swing with your left arm, slow your backswing, follow through……

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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