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Market Forces

MRS: I think I want to start a business that will try to, for a very affordable fee, harden your home against forced entry (solid doors, armored glass, etc).

15 Responses to “Market Forces”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    As said over there, several places have made it illegal to fortify your house against raids.

    If people start doing this on a wide spread basis the Jack-boot contingency of the Police lobby will demand laws banning it.

  2. MadRocketScientist Says:

    sigh… You are not wrong. I wonder, however, if such laws would survive the SCOTUS?

  3. Chas Says:

    A man’s home is his castle?

  4. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Too bad the Swat Teams in Cleveland has a Surplus Armored Personnel Carrier with a Battering Ram on it that can easily defeat Steel Doors.

  5. TomcatTCH Says:

    I want sliding doors and armored shutters.

  6. John Farrier Says:

    James R. Rummel has written about this for a while. I can see how there would be a strong market.

  7. DirtCrashr Says:

    I like the secret places that Creative Home Engineering does. There’s some fun people out there…

  8. Cargosquid Says:

    Soooo, what’s the definition of fortification…because I know of at least two people that have built real castles….

  9. Jon Says:

    One could dig a moat around the house to defeat the vehicular mode of bashing. With a lightweight walkway on top, it would carry pedestrian traffic but fail under a heavier load.

    Not practical for a condo-type dwelling, though. I’m rural, on 11+ acres, so can do as I please (within current building codes, of course).


  10. Robert Says:

    I want a collapsing steel staircase that has oil sqirt onto it when they try to come up. One of those fog generators that fills a room with thick smoke in seconds would also be good.

  11. Matthew Carberry Says:

    Trap door inside the front door that drops into a shark tank.

    Shame that the sole intent of the armoring up isn’t really to absolutely stop the police. Just get them to back off so you can establish, to them, that they’ve made a mistake.

  12. ctr Says:

    I’ve always wanted a front door that opens to another door, that opens to another door, that leads back outside. That would make for an amusing SWAT episode, if they don’t all shoot each other.

  13. junyo Says:

    Since the State (via the WoD) has ostensibly created the raison d’etre for the adoption and mainstreaming of the use of military weapons and tactics by civilian law enforcement, what makes this guy imagine that they wouldn’t a) legislate him out of business, b) bust some chump he’d done work for with a couple of ounces of weed, start calling him “The Cartel’s Castlebuilder” and RICO his ass into the poor house (or worse), c) start issuing AT4’s to municipalities since ‘criminals are now commonly fortifying their homes’, or d) all of the above?

  14. blounttruth Says:

    Let me know Uncle, I can set up all security cams and computer networks. First zombie rears its rotten head and we would be in business….

  15. Zenmastertaz Says:

    One link, with some simple stuff…

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