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In Illinois

First, SAF challenges their carry ban. And now, NRA is moving with a suit too:

The National Rifle Association is funding and supporting a lawsuit that challenges the constitutionality of Illinois’ complete and total ban on carrying firearms for self-defense outside the home. The case, filed today in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Illinois, is Shepard v. Madigan.

5 Responses to “In Illinois”

  1. John Smith. Says:

    NRA first to be last.

  2. Captain Holly Says:

    As always, nothing the NRA does will ever satisfy the bashers.

  3. Matthew Carberry Says:

    Yeah, NRA obviously just threw this suit together overnight after they heard about SAF.

    Wait. What’s that? Suits like this take lots of time to prepare so they were probably just waiting, like SAF, on the outcome of the Legislative vote?

    Unpossible! NRA hates gun rights and only rides coattails.


    On a serious and critical note, I do wish they would at least acknowledge that SAF exists and they are not the only gun rights act in town. They do have a bad habit in their press releases and website of presenting themselves as the “lone ranger” of gun rights when the smaller and more agile 2A legal teams have actually been driving much of the action over the past few years.

    It’d be nice if NRA would be willing to admit to and accept a supporting role some of the time instead of trying to hog all the credit by omission (which is, I think, a fair perception of their PR technique).

  4. Standard Mischief Says:

    Matthew, here’s a classic post of mine from 2007

  5. Ian Argent Says:

    I wonder how much this actually hurts gun rights. Sure, it’s a duplication of effort, but it also splits the state’s resources, and allows for multiple legal theories.

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