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there ought to be a law

Even though the market is already taking care of that:

“Let your fingers do the walking” could be replaced with “let your finger do the clicking” in San Francisco. It’s poised to become the first U.S. city to restrict delivery of Yellow Pages business directories.

The Board of Supervisors cast a 10-1 first vote on Tuesday to ban unrequested home and business delivery of the hefty telephone directories. There will be a second reading and final vote next week.

5 Responses to “there ought to be a law”

  1. Skip Says:

    I dunno, I get 3-4 sets of yellow pages a year, and I don’t actually have a home phone. I guess someone’s still paying for the ads in them.

    It will solve itself eventually though.

  2. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Yellowbook pisses me off. They come out a couple of months after the real YP, so people that aren’t paying attention (most of them) throw out the real one for theirs. They weasel businesses into paying for duplicate ad placement lest they lose exposure. Then the phone company has to come around and replace them again, just to cover their customers. Nothing really legally or morally wrong with it, it’s just sleazy. I always throw it straight out; wish I could afflict them some way.

  3. Steve in TN Says:

    Huh. Don’t think we have received any sort of phone book for five or more years.

  4. Cyrus Says:

    One was by the mail box the other day.out was close to trash day do I took the book over to the other side of threw drive way for trash pick up.

  5. Ross Says:

    SF isn’t the first city, Seattle past an opt-out ordinance last fall. We can now use anonline registry to notify publishers not to deliver phone books.

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