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Kalashnikov Bump Safe

Interesting design so that you can access the safety on your AK without removing your hand from the pistol grip:

There’s an awful lot of effort to make AKs more like ARs. Just sayin’.

4 Responses to “Kalashnikov Bump Safe”

  1. Stephen Says:

    Good thing I’m a lefty and can keep my hand on the pistol grip and still deactivate my AK safety! That being said, run an AK like an AK, not an AR. If you try to make an AK into an AR you’ll just get a crappy AK.

  2. John Smith. Says:

    The ak’s are not meant to be carried with your hand on the grip unless you have already disengaged the safety. In other words you keep your paws off the grip until you are going to shoot. That was one of the ideas to keep the peasant farmer boys from shooting themselves. They have a whole training program based around the the ak’s design.

  3. Miguel Says:

    There’s an awful lot of effort to make AKs more like ARs. Just sayin’.

    why you see ARs going with with Piston systems but no AKs with DI? Hehehehe

  4. Ethan Dublin Says:


    Here is a better video. Thank you for the input.

    Ethan Dublin

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