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One degree

Holder’s assistant AG authorized wiretaps in ATF’s gunrunning scandal. I’m getting a little nervous. Last time I remember congress investigating malfeasance at ATF, some idiot blew up a Ryder truck in front of a federal building, drawing attention from the investigation.

3 Responses to “One degree”

  1. Kristopher Says:

    But Uncle … surely the BATFE would never even consider encouraging criminal access to dangerous weapons in order to make a big media circus arrest later?

    They would never even consider endangering the public in order to look good, would they?

  2. Name Redacted Says:

    And the time before that they burned down a compound full of women and children.

  3. Jeffersonian Says:

    I don’t believe for a second they were after drug traffickers for having illegally gotten guns. This was about proving that the cartels were getting guns from America so they could shut down stores and push a disarmament treaty on the U.S. citizens. They already know who the bad guys are south of the border.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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