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Notes on Osama getting one in the brain and one in the chest

Honestly, dumping the body was stupid. Keep it for verification and put pictures up to remove doubt. Or we’re going to start having conspiracy theories. Like we need more of those. Plus, the line of people wanting to piss on it would me miles long.

Also, why go in to kill and not capture? Other than you don’t want a bunch of Al Q idiots doing stuff and saying we will do stuff until you release him. Hell, Saddam got a trial. This guy should have to just for a dose of this is how we do things in the West.

I thought targeting people for assassination was bad. But that only applies to Republicans, I guess. And it beats a he was killed resisting wink-wink explanation.

From Billy Beck:

There was a plan to stomp the place with a B-2 strike, but Obama wanted the body. Now, this makes good sense, and what strikes me is that I’m not seeing a Republican president since Reagan with balls like that.

All the hippies on facebook are posting this nonsense about not rejoicing in his death. Why not? A murderous bastard has been put down like a rabid dog and given an unceremonious burial at sea. I’ll rejoice for you.

The pics released a hoax?

21 Responses to “Notes on Osama getting one in the brain and one in the chest”

  1. John Smith. Says:

    I would not worry.. Well unless osama makes a video saying obama has failed to kill him while holding up a current news paper and giving us all the finger… Well then that would be a problem. Otherwise not so much…

  2. Justin Buist Says:

    “I thought targeting people for assassination was bad. But that only applies to Republicans, I guess.

    I believe that only applies to leaders of a country. Offing the leader of an unofficial group is just peachy.

  3. Newbius Says:

    When I heard that he was “slipped into the water from the Carl Vinson, I was wondering it they ‘slipped’ the body into the sea using the catapult…

  4. cargosquid Says:


    They just SAID they killed him. It makes me warm and fuzzy thinking that he’s in some dark hole…..wrapped in bacon…….being refreshed by some water……and singing….

    Or being dead. Dead is ok. I’m going to smile next time I take a leak in the ocean.

  5. Jake Says:

    We gave him a burial at sea supposedly with all the Islamic rituals and requirements met. WTF?

    What we should have done is kept the body, stuffed the cavities with the rotting leftovers from a pig slaughterhouse, wrapped the body in rancid pork, buried it under an outhouse, and then charged $1 admission for the privilege of defecating on his festering corpse.

    Military personnel and 9-11 families get in free, of course.

  6. MadRocketScientist Says:

    Better him dead that on trial. This is America, Johnny Cochran would be at the head of the long line of lawyers eager to defend him. If he went on trial, he’d be a regular on The View or MSNBC (or something similar) inside of 2 years.

  7. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Not rejoice? Isn’t this the same crowd of Yammerheads who claim Bush is a Nazi War Criminal and should be executed? Perhaps they should go to the Arabian Sea and verify the Scumbag’s Grave isn’t disturbed. I’m sure Seal Team Six would be more than willing help them find it.

  8. HL Says:

    I suspect he is dead, but I doubt he is at the bottom of the sea.

    My thinking is: catch him alive if you can, kill him if you must. Report him as KIA either way. There must never be a grave identified as his.

    I would want to keep the body until I had a chance to thoroughly examine it to determine if all the intel I got about Kidney Disease, Hep, Gout, Krohn’s and Syphilis is true (so I know how valuable the providers are).

    As long as he is dead or suffering, I am cool with it…and I am confident that he is one or the other.

  9. Dave Says:

    Oh yeah, that “OBL Death Picture” is obviously a hoax to anyone who’s done any kind of Photoshopping.

    It wasn’t really a good job at all.

  10. Phelps Says:

    I guess I slipped into hippiedom. I just see it as a distasteful piece of work that had to be done, just like taking out the garbage. No reason to celebrate it unless you were actually involved first hand and are celebrating a mission well done. Sense of satisfaction, sure, but I don’t get the parties outside the White House.

  11. dustydog Says:

    The most reasonable conspiracy theory is that the military didn’t inform the White House until after the body had been dumped at sea.

  12. BlueWaters Says:

    I hate hippies. But I think the celebration is distasteful for the same reason we don’t want to see cops giving high fives after they shoot a perp, or executioners celebrating after executing someone with lethal injection. You should not celebrate someone being killed, even if they are scum.

  13. Sigivald Says:

    Keep it for verification and put pictures up to remove doubt. Or we’re going to start having conspiracy theories.

    Wouldn’t stop them anyway. Pictures never “remove doubt” from people who yearn to doubt, remember.

  14. hellferbreakfast Says:

    THANK YOU, Seal Team VI !!!! & all other military participants.

  15. Tim Says:

    As for not rejoicing over his death, I kind of understand it.

    I was watching the celebrations on television and I couldn’t help notice how closely they resembled the Arab nations after 9/11.

  16. Terry4Strokes Says:

    No fan of this administration, but hats off on this operation!
    Everything they did was perfect.
    Dead – no b.s. trial that would cost us millions and risk retaliation from the rest of the morons.

    Buried at sea – No site for the pilgrims to visit and being buried with the fishes is considered an Islamic bitch-slap for anyone who died on land…

  17. A Critic Says:

    “Also, why go in to kill and not capture? ”

    You can’t capture a dead man.

    “All the hippies on facebook are posting this nonsense about not rejoicing in his death. Why not?”

    There are a number of reasons.

    We don’t know, can’t know, and won’t ever know who was killed. My guess is it was a squatter and his family.

    More importantly, life should be revered. Barbarians are the ones who rejoice in the deaths of their enemies. Civilized people lament that the violence had to happen. If I ever have to kill someone in self defense, I expect to vomit, hard core, even if it’s a totally rotten son of a bitch who killed my loved one and hurt me badly.

    Even more importantly – Osama was a small fish compared to the American federal government. I once started counting the death toll of our post WWII foreign policy. Vietnam, Cambodia, East Timor each over a million, Iraq over a million (that’s before the invasion too mind you), etc etc etc…I had to stop at ten million. Rejoicing in Obama’s death is like rejoicing in a powerful mafia don killing your local bully who was bothering you, or like rejoicing that the mosquito that was biting you has been killed by the shark that is now attached to your arm.

  18. A Critic Says:

    “A murderous bastard has been put down like a rabid dog and given an unceremonious burial at sea.”

    Rabid dogs pose an immediate threat to anyone in their vicinity. Bin Laden (if this was him, I personally think this is just a P.R. stunt, just like with Saddam they got “DNA confirmation” in an amazingly fast time) was a mere man.

    This was murder even if it was a murderer that was killed. The power to kill this bad guy (if it was a bad guy) is the same power that bombs women and children in the hopes of getting one bad guy. The same power is what will kill your wife, your kids, and you in time. You reap what you sow.

  19. cargosquid Says:

    Osama bin Laden was duly killed in accordance to apparent Muslim tradition…..

  20. Wes Says:

    “I thought targeting people for assassination was bad.”

    Not at all since the Obama administration reserves the right to murder even U.S. citizens without Due Process. If anyone thinks I’m joking, look it up.

  21. Charles Mazza Says:

    This whole story is falling apart. No body, no pictures, in one of the pictures released there is a kids toy. Something is wrong here.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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