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Uh huh

The WaPo: The National Rifle Association is vying to remain relevant in the 2012 presidential election, with a Democratic president who has not made gun control a priority and many NRA members expecting gun issues to take a back seat to the economy, health care and foreign policy.

Not paying attention.

7 Responses to “Uh huh”

  1. alan Says:

    Nothing else they believe is based in reality, why start now?

  2. Sapper3Delta Says:

    Just because you’re not looking at your watch doesn’t mean time stops. Also, the reason the POTUS hasn’t overtly moved against guns is because WE THE PEOPLE made our presence and our desires known, not because he wasn’t going to do it in the first place. Where has the writer been burying her head? I think it’s still there.

  3. JKB Says:

    We live in a world where battles are thankfully rare, but it folly to consider those walking post are not relevant. But leave it to the paper of the chattering classes to think that if the chatter has died down that the issue doesn’t matter anymore. And on the day that Osama is finally put down. Bin Laden had fallen from the headlines but the rough men were patient in their willingness to do violence waiting, watching, prepared to act.

  4. Mike Says:

    The NRA got seventy five thousand people to come to Pittsburgh in the rain, in a weak economy, in late April. A rusty old northern industrial city was so packed with people you couldn’t find a place to park, and every restaurant, motel and tavern was doing land office business.

    On the other hand, the Bradys couldn’t get seventy five people to a Nevada brothel if they were offering complementary … er… services, yet in the mind of the WAPO, they’re a force to be reckoned with.

    Relevancy… I don’t think that word means what they think it means.

  5. Jake Says:

    The National Rifle Association is vying to remain relevant in the 2012 presidential election, with a Democratic president who has not made gun control a priority

    I believe they have the cause and effect somewhat backwards in that statement. Without the NRA and similar organizations, I doubt he would hesitate for one second to “make gun control a priority.”

    Despite their fervent hopes, reality is not what they would wish simply because they wish it to be.

  6. BornLib Says:

    After the Tucson shooting, the liberals went after the first amendment instead of the second one. I think that should tell you something about how much things have changed.

  7. GD Says:

    To be fair, you can NEVER find parking in Pittsburgh…

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