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Is gun, is not safe

A look at Gun Improvement’s handgun safety shear pin:

The patent is for a safety shear pin designed to prevent accidental shootings. The device adds a lot of weight, 11.5 – 15.5 lbs, to the first trigger pull. This, in theory, makes it hard or impossible for small children to use the trigger and prevents accidental discharges in situations where a finger is on the trigger or the trigger is snagged on clothing.

No thanks. I’ll just follow gun safety rules and keep my guns in a safe location. As was said in comments at TFB:

The only people that will use it are the ones that don’t know better.

Safety between your ears. Gun owners should teach their kids gun safety.

And the ones that know better don’t need it.

12 Responses to “Is gun, is not safe”

  1. Bob H Says:

    11.5-15.5 pound pull? I am not sure I could pull that trigger. What a stupid idea. I can just see the lawsuits when people are killed because they couldn’t pull the trigger in an emergency.

  2. Weer'd Beard Says:

    +1 First up it won’t stop a loaded gun from having an ND if you hand it to a kid that weighs more than 15lbs. Just hook it thought something and have the kid hang from it.

    That being said I’d imagine unless you have Popeye forearms you’ll need to aim 5″ above the goblin’s head to hit him in the pelvic girdle….and that’s hoping you don’t deflect a fathom to the left.

    Yet another safety device that will get people killed.

  3. Bubblehead Les Says:

    11.5-15.5 pound pull? Sounds like the Taurus .22 Revolver I have. AND Taurus says it was DESIGNED that way, so get over it.

  4. gb Says:

    Sounds like my Ruger Sp. Just buy Ruger revolvers and you don’t need this “safety device.”

  5. Sean Says:

    This is silly, but I don’t think this is completely wrong in concept. 10-12lbs. isn’t uncommon for some DA revolvers, or old school military rifles (think Mosin Nagant).

    There are a variety of DA only carry guns with deliberately heavy pulls in the interest of safety. I’m not endorsing this either way, but the idea that a heavy trigger is a safer trigger has been around a while.

    All that said, relying on that exclusively is moronic.

  6. Ellen Says:

    In the kitchen, a dull knife is more dangerous than a sharp knife. You have to push harder to make it work, which increases the chance of it going in directions you hadn’t intended.

    A super-heavy trigger pull in a handgun fits in the same ecological niche.

  7. Ash Says:

    So I have to replace or remove it every time I go to the range?

  8. Spanky Says:

    I’m sure glad they are so worried about the little gang-bangers that shove the gun in their pants. Any reasonably intelligent gun owner / carrier would use a proper holster that would prevent the accidental discharge along with following basic safety. Typical nanny state crap.

  9. Spanky Says:

    Also sounds like one more safety device that will be taken out in the garage. Kind of like Ruger 22/45 and M&P magazine disconnects.

  10. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Now, I have an extremely strong grip; I could pull 20 or more easy. my son inherited that from me. At the daycare, when he was THREE, the teachers loved to show off his ability to hold my thumb and pinky while I curled him to pick him up. (I used to do that to grab him from over a fence). I don’t think such a trigger would confront him much.

  11. Michael Says:

    Something tells me my DA/SA Sig does the exact same thing, except far more reliably, LOL.

    A 12-lbs trigger pull is not exactly a new idea.

  12. Alaskan Says:

    like Uncle says® “Keep your booger hook off the bang switch”

    You should have a t-shirt,I would buy a couple.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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