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Econ 101

Billy Beck:

Try to understand, ladies and gentlemen: learn to live with high fuel prices and everything that means. That’s what happens when we are not allowed to produce. And we have no other choice: we either produce, or we eventually starve and freeze in the dark.

I cannot for the life of me figure out why bureaucrats do not understand that. I mean, other than they’re bureaucrats and their exposure to the real world is limited.

9 Responses to “Econ 101”

  1. Gunmart Says:

    Its because they are too busy fleecing the nation.

    They are smart enough to get it, and most of them probably do. But lets not let the truth get in the way of the agenda… which is lining their own pockets, and the pockets of their special interests.

  2. CitizenNothing Says:

    Crude prices will continue to rise fundamentally because the supplies of it in the ground are increasingly expensive to get to. Gas prices will go up because of this, but they go up even more because of inefficiencies caused by bureaucrats (Ethanol for example, adds a significant cost because of unique transportation/logistics constraints, as well as containing less energy, not to mention fossil fuels required to produce it contain more energy than the resulting ethanol, and the cost to human lives globally in reduced food supply, but anyway…).

  3. alan Says:

    Oil is priced in Dollars and when the Dollar is worth less, things priced in Dollars get more expensive. You can blame the Federal Reserve for this price spike.

  4. Moriarty Says:

    I’m afraid that they understand it quite well.

    They simply don’t care. All most bureaucrats care about is going home at the end of the day and making certain nothing interferes with their retirement.

    Once you understand their motivations, the rest is fairly straightforward.

  5. JKB Says:

    Well, you see, when a bureaucrat needs more money they just call up the chain and tell them they need more money. Really, just watch your children and you’ll see the process. Only bureaucrats don’t have a parent who will take the time to teach them money doesn’t grow on trees in the backyards of rich people.

    As for higher and higher gas prices, well, it could be a momentary glitch for which wages rise to compensate. Small problem here is that benefits and social security has to go up as well.

    Or if it is a real rise, we will fall into a recession until alternatives are discovered, such as lower labor usage, or lower energy usage in production. Otherwise, it is a lower standard of liveing for those not high up on the government teat.

  6. Jay Says:

    Supplies are up and demand is down, so the claim that a lack of production is responsible for fuel prices is bogus. The fuel prices are high because of commodity speculation.

    As long as investment banks are buying oil tankers to store their crude because they have literally run out of storage tanks on land, we’re going to see high prices.

    But don’t worry. Like with all speculation, there will eventually be a crash and the prices will drop back down, only to start the whole game over.

  7. Oakenheart Says:

    “The fuel prices are high because of commodity speculation.”


    Prices are high in everything due to an inflated money supply, and “I got mine” management and politics. These fools “in charge” are killing the economic engine that makes their pay possible, and they don’t consider that us “peons” are not the stupid ignorant idiots that they think we are. Don’t be stupid, look at the big picture. The whole management and government strategy has been one of short term gain, not long term success.

  8. hellferbreakfast Says:

    I don’t think they have any idea where gasoline comes from. Just like the vegan idiots that think meat is mfg’d in a grocery store. Totally out of touch with reality.

  9. Name Redacted Says:

    Because they idiotically believe that demand determines consumption instead of supply.
    I.e.: they believe that economies are constrained by demand not by supply.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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