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Puritanical prudes

Why Federal Prosecutors Should Fight Nonthreatening Criminals. Surprisingly, the answer is not because they’ve rid the world of real crime.

5 Responses to “Puritanical prudes”

  1. Ted N(not the Nuge) Says:

    Statist BS. Waddadouche.

  2. Jailer Says:

    It has nothing to do with crime and everything to do with money.

  3. Laughingdog Says:

    Don’t forget power. There’s always that pesky “Respect My Authoritay” attitude to deal with as well.

  4. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Too bad we can’t prosecute Media Assholes for Lying and Slander. “You can’t touch me, it’s just Satire!”, quotes Bill Maher and Keith Olderman and Eric Heyl. After all, those would be Nonviolent Crimes, right? But the New Black Panther Party Voter Intimidation Case gets dropped….

  5. MJM Says:

    The writer forgets that every new law passed is one new point of conflict between the citizen, and his government. Each such grant of authority empowers “them” not us. Each penalty–and all of these laws, whether criminal or civil, must be enforced in some way–is like a festering pocket where corruption and oppression may take root.
    Sadly, most of the time, we the people clamor for more such transfer of power from our own hands to the snide voice on the other end of the government phone.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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