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In Massachusetts, police respond to a man with a gun at the mall. Turns out, he had an umbrella.

That’s the second time in about a month that people lost their minds over an umbrella. Sad.

8 Responses to “OMG IT’S RAINING”

  1. Gunmart Says:

    Carrying to the terror of the public…. Its for the children!

  2. ATL Says:

    Well it happened in a place where America used to be. So it kind of makes sense.

  3. REB Says:

    I wonder if this is the antis trying to create a scene out of open carriers but failing miserably at it?

  4. Weer'd Beard Says:

    And with all those boots on the ground, as well as a helicopter in the sky, the dude just walked back to work.

    FYI I get my Allergy shots at that hospital and some of the starry-eyed nurses seemed to think the police did a good job.


  5. Nylarthotep Says:

    I’m in the next town north from that clusterF@#$ and I had several co-worker state that the umbrella looked like a gun. I pointed out to them that it looks more like a sword than a gun, but they refused to concede the point.

    Some days you just have to wonder what the hell happened to Massachusetts.

  6. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Something must be in the water here Nylarthotep, really gets my blood hot.

    Hey but at least our taxes are REALLY expensive right?

  7. dave Says:

    Well, you could always get one of these, at least it LOOKS like an umbrella…

  8. dave Says:

    Er, make that looks like a gun… /fail

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