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Odd names

I have a pretty odd name. But 19 of the worst human names in history

16 Responses to “Odd names”

  1. Jacob Says:

    I met a guy whose name was Welcome Friends. Seriously.

  2. Robert Says:

    Swear to anything that the other day I downloaded a PDF of some monitor specs from Acer’s website, and on one page was the name ( and sig ) of the testing manager.

    Easy Lai


  3. Weer'd Beard Says:

    I Lol’d HARD

  4. Nate from Ogden Says:

    Those all are mighty unfortunate monikers. I don’t know if you’re aware of Mostly Cajun’s blog but he has been tracking the names parents are hanging on their offspring in southern Louisiana for quite some time his findings show a growing nightmare of FAIL in names.

  5. comatus Says:

    My old office once had a safety audit performed by a traveling federal executive, Tripp Hazard.

    Northerners needed to be instructed that “Tripp” is a two-syllable word.

  6. Aaron Spuler Says:

    During high school I worked at a Little Caesar’s pizza. I wouldn’t have believed this guy’s name had I not seen it printed on his check. His name was Dick Seemen. I know, I know, not spelled exactly like semen, but it’s pronounced the same. Why that old man didn’t go by Rick or Richard I’ll never know.

  7. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    I’ve run across a couple of kids with bad names, but the best, or worst, was the Chinese kid whose parents had given him an Anglicized first name. Now he’s “Harry Wang”.

  8. Miguel Says:

    It depends on how do you carry the name. There is a fellow shooter and blogger( with one of the last names mentioned in the list and you don’t wanna mess with him 🙂

  9. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Having been stuck with the First Name of LESLIE, I’m sympathetic to those who’s ancestry gave them unusual name. One of my school chums last name is BOINK. It’s from the Dutch.

  10. Huck Says:

    My mom used to do billing in a doctor’s office. She told me one of the doctor’s patient’s name was Harry Crotch. I knew a guy when I was in the Air Force who’s name is Peter Rabbit. When I was stationed in the UK in 1976 I met a bloke who’s first name is Victory. His birthday is May 8th, 1945.

    On the first two I wonder what their folks were thinking, or even if they were, when they named those guys.

  11. Bob H Says:

    Several years ago I did some database and reporting design for the collections office of a major bank. Spending a couple of weeks with their collectors gave me a whole new perspective on human nature, and how a job can affect your behavior.
    One of the collectors was a really nice guy who volunteered at a battered womans shelter 5 nights a week. He was the one everyone took their problems to at the office and he was always ready to listen and offer what help he could. However, when he was on the phone with a lying deadbeat he could be… a little aggresive.
    My favorite story about him was when he was calling a guy who hadn’t made payment #1 on a Trans-Am and who had already made 2 promises to come in with a payment.
    (calling him at home)
    “May I speak with Richard Head please? …
    Richard, may I call you Dick?”

  12. ATLien Says:

    had a high school teacher named richard weed. shortened to “dick” of course.

  13. chris Says:

    There was a Candy Kain in my high school.

    Here in East Tn you see a lot of women with men’s first names, like both of my wives.

  14. Bubblehead Les Says:

    BTW, speaking of names, have you heard about the NEW (effective this month) Passport Regs? It seems that if your “Proof of Citizenship” Birth Certificate does NOT have your Parents FULL name, it doesn’t count. So if your local county put down John T. Doe for your Dad back in 1963, you can’t get a Passport, because the Federales don’t know what the “T.” stands for!

    Wonder if the Obama Girls Birth Certificates have “Hussein” or “H.” on them?

  15. Lyle Says:

    Kid in my high school class was Mike Huntsucker.

  16. Holocryptic Says:

    Tangentially related to names, I noticed that your domain name is saysuncle, but your banner and posting name is Say Uncle. Kinda throws me sometimes.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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