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Other, more enlightened countries

Where Great Britain used to be: Arrested and charged for practicing free speech.

4 Responses to “Other, more enlightened countries”

  1. Mu Says:

    Free speech is solely a US concept. In most other countries there’s a “public good” limitation.

  2. mikee Says:

    I am amused when the Koran is described as a “holy book” or “holy text” when it is more accurate to say “a book considered holy by followers of Islam.” I certainly don’t consider it holy, and I think my Pope might agree.

  3. Ellen Says:

    We should burn Korans and publish cartoons until the entire Moslem world goes into apoplexy. One outrage a month they have time for murderous riots. Ten outrages a day will numb their senses.

    It’s not like anything we can do will make them like us; and as Machiavelli asked, “Is it better to be loved, or feared?” If you’re hated no matter what you do, you may as well go for feared — loved is not an option.

  4. Chas Says:

    “Sorry we are unable to accept comments for legal reasons.”

    They also banned my freedom of speech to even comment on the story.
    Mohammed’s devil children need to get over themselves. Pandering to their sanctimonious self-righteousness only encourages them to greater excess in their already violent and intolerant religion.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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