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Speaking of NYC

If there’s two things I hate, they are 1) flying and 2) visiting oppressive regimes. But, duty calls, and I have to that this month. And I’ll be stuck in NYC. Pondering my self-defense options there, which seem to consist of either not going or breaking the law. The former not being an option and the latter is not really either. Any thoughts?

33 Responses to “Speaking of NYC”

  1. John Richardson Says:

    That’s a tough one. According to Knife Rights, NYC is very strict on pocket knives that are easy opening (thumb stud, assisted opening, Spyderco hole). They consider them “gravity knives”.

    You might want to consider one of the Cold Steel sharkies or even one of the real Sharpies that come in stainless steel. You can get the latter at Office Depot or Office Max. I went through TSA and they didn’t even blink at it.

    Of course, you should take your S&W Tactical Pen.

  2. Bobby Says:

    You’re right. With flying you can’t carry anything really anyhow. Once you are here, There isn’t too many situations where they search you, but If you have to use something, say a pocket knife, you will be going to jail at least for the night.

    Welcome to King Bloomburg’s provence. He seems to suggest if you want protection, simply be rich or famous and it’s no problem.

  3. Bobby Says:

    John, The tac pen is a weapon here. The hard part isnt getting or carrying a knife or a weapon like the tac pen, it’s if you are searched for any reason, like defending yourself, They will hassle you for it.

  4. Zendo Deb Says:

    Buy a cane. (a wooden one you can take on the flight – maybe, they keep changing the rules). Or buy a collapsing metal one and put it in your checked bags.

    It is something.

    What about mace or pepper spray? Can you buy that when you arrive? Or is that illegal in NYC as well?

  5. Rob Says:

    Get a cane, walk with a limp.

  6. Doug Says:

    Deb and Rob beat me to it. Hard to say a cane is an offensive weapon.

    My last job took me to Detroit every month or so, and that is what I always carried.

    Just be aware that you may be required to check it to get on a plane.

  7. Joe Mama Says:

    Eat a lot of food and keep your tactical finger clean for immediate insertion into pie hole for close quarters projectile vomit response.

  8. Mike Says:

    Do not display any sort of pocket clip. NYPD will stop and search you to look for an “illegal” knife if they see one.

    You can buy pepper spray legally in NYC, but apparently you may not bring it into NYC from another state.

    My understanding of the “gravity knife” law is that knives that can be flicked open by centrifugal force (like many good folding knives) are supposedly illegal, but thumbhole and thumbstud knives per se are not. When I’m in New York I carry a Byrd Meadowlark. It’s 3″ long, so doesn’t offend in that regard. It won’t flick open by centrifugal force no matter what you do. And it was inexpensive enough that if NYPD takes it away from me, I won’t cry. I carry it in a pocket, not clipped to anything.

    I am not a lawyer, so don’t take anything I say as legal advice.

  9. Rich P. Says:

    I’ve been living and working in NYC for almost 20 years and I’ve always carried my Asp baton with me. I don’t think you can get into trouble for carry a “stick”.

  10. The Duck Says:

    4 Bic pens

  11. the pistolero Says:

    Well, you could always carry a few steaming cups of joe…

  12. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    “My last job took me to Detroit every month or so, and that is what I always carried.”

    Ummm, why not just carry a pistol in Michigan?

    No license?

    When in NYC, I always get a couple cans of pepper spray, I like the fog stuff.

    Just don’t be one of those tourists that goes to NYC and whines about “muggers and street crime” and then wears flip flops, baggy shorts and a tight t-shirt that shows off the food blister. Guys talk in hushed tones about “big city crime” and then show up lloking like lunch–flip flops on their small, dirty feet and a food blister the size of a volleyball.

    If you are going to be “worried” about street crime, then look like you are willing to fight instead of looking like prey.

  13. Nylarthotep Says:

    Cane variant. Cold Steel Slim Stick.

  14. Chas Says:

    Just let the NYPD know that you’re coming and that you’re concerned for your safety. They’ll undoubtedly go out of their way to help make you feel more secure.
    Drop an email to Police Commissioner Ray Kelly – I’m sure he’d be glad to help you out in any way he can. He’s such a great guy, he might even let you bring your guns, just so you can feel more at home.

  15. Stretch Says:

    I’m sure a donation to the Bloomberg for Ever campaign or MAIG will get you a permit in no time.

  16. Bubblehead Les Says:

    You could probably carry a Surefire Defender-type Tacticool Flashlight, but you’d have to put it in you Checked Luggage, then take it out in the Men’s room at the airport. Just don’t forget to put it back. Also, I’ve heard others find the closest Hardware store, get some duck tape, then go to a bank and get some rolled Quarters, and wrap them in the tape. But you’d have to put it in Checked Baggage when you leave NYC. Hope this helps. P.S.: Just heard from Jay G. Looks like we’ll be in Pittsburgh for the NRA Convention together. Bourbon, right?

  17. johnnyreb Says:

    Golf umbrella with a very sharp point. You dont want to be sitting next to Plaxico Burress…

  18. MHinGA Says:

    Sorry, but when I’m in NYC I break the law with regard to sharp edges that are easily disposable if necessary, have an Elzetta with a crenelated strike bezel (better than the Surefire), a Comtech Stinger, a tactical pen and a briefcase loaded with a few books. Don’t underestimate the usefulness of the briefcase. The clear stinger is usually in my hand when walking on the street whenever the briefcase isn’t.

  19. MHinGA Says:

    Oops, I almost forgot: I always fly with a nice gentlemen’s cane that I had made without an aggressive horn by Cane Masters. The ADA isn’t good for much except plaintiff’s lawyers, but it does prevent the TSA idiots from questioning my cane.

  20. MHinGA Says:

    I promise that this is my last on this, but I noted people’s comments about flying. I have flown with both the Elzetta and the cane, in and out of both JFK and LGA.

    The cane is an awesome weapon even with only very basic training. Janich has a nice little default routine with the cane (or stick) that can be learned in five minutes, and ingrained with practice.

  21. Nate from Ogden Says:

    +1 on the idea of a cane. You can order a dandy from Lehman’s Hardware Store in Ohio. Here’s my report on buying and carrying one: Very non-tactical and rugged as all heck.

  22. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Dunno NYC’s spesific knife laws, but Ka-Bar TDI slides underr the radar in most oppressive areas, and I find them to have a very intuitive design, and they won’t break the bank.

  23. aeronathan Says:

    Have they made sharp pointy sticks illegal yet?

  24. Guav Says:

    What MHinGA said about the Stinger—love it, always have it on me.

  25. UT Law Says:

    Beware the Asp baton and other such batons. A Knoxville cop once told me the same thing about there being no law against carrying a Stick. However, Tennessee has a law requiring training before carrying a baton. If we’ve gone that far, I’d guess that NYC probably has similar laws.

    The two times I’ve been to NYC, I hadn’t learned about their pocket knife restrictions and carried a Sypderco Rescue and a Benchmade both clipped just inside my pockets, but they were usually covered with a jacket, and I never was hassled. Not even by the guards at the Empire State Building when I checked them at Security. That being said, it was a couple months after my last visit that NYC had their big crackdown on “gravity knives” so I don’t think I’m going to try that again if I have to go back to NYC.

    The cane idea is ok, but if you really have to defend yourself, a sharp and anti-self-defense DA is going to ask why you had it–was there a medical reason, or were you carrying it as a club. A strong umbrella might be easier to explain.

    I also like the Bic Pens, or old Roller Ball pens if you have huge hands like mine. Those were my stand by when I went to take tests at public schools (I was Homeschooled) and had to leave my pocket knife behind.

    Finally, a good suggestion I recently heard–water bottles. Water doesn’t compress much and is pretty heavy. Nalgene bottles are pretty durable, nice and hard, and have a convenient loop on the lid that you can use for swinging them.

  26. Jason Says:

    When I travel to NYC for business I bring my Leatherman Wave. It too flies under the police radar and is handy to have on hand during long trips. Unfortunatly as a Western NY resident, my pistol permit and knife rights are gone too once I get to the NYC limits. Its like entering another country…

  27. That Guy Says:

    Flashlight. I carry multiple flashlights past security into NYC and Boston all the time. Never a question.

    I considered the cane route as well, but I can’t do to other considerations.

  28. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Jason, I belive batons and nightsticks are right up there with switchblades, blackjacks, and nunchaku as “Scary things we can’t let people have”, seems most states, even ones where people can openly carry without a permit ban carrying these things.

    Pretty stupid that I can carry a .45, no problem, but a blackjack, or a stun gun, or an ASP, those are illegal!

    Stupid laws by stupid people!

  29. sux2bme Says:

    Take a ball, glove and baseball bat … you never know when a game might break out.

  30. Ian Argent Says:

    I don’t pay enough attention to the state of PSH in NYC to be a god source of advice – but was wondering if you’d have time for social engagement while in my stomping grounds?

  31. BrooklynBorn Says:

    Hate to say it, but if you are not going to be outside of Manhattan, you’ve got a better chance of getting mugged or assaulted here in the Knoxville area. New York is a joke compared to 70s when I was a kid.

  32. jumpthestack Says:

    How about a compact but high lumen flashlight (pass on the sharp ‘tactical’ bezel)? Pretty effective for hitting stuff with, and 200 lumens in the face is no joke either, and the rules of engagement for shining the light at someone are pretty loose.

  33. Ash Says:

    Plantar Fasciitis is always a good excuse for carrying a cane – it strikes all ages, even athletes, and can’t be easily disputed by a cop or DA.

    Good luck getting a tac pen or flashlight with a strike bezel past the TSA though.

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