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Like you and me only better

City employees exempt from red light cameras.

4 Responses to “Like you and me only better”

  1. Ian Argent Says:

    Shame that you couldn’t get an equal protection suit going on that…

  2. John Smith. Says:

    I think it is just fine. It means if that I can argue that I was not driving the said vehicle at the time since the state employees do not have to….. I defy them to prove otherwise…

  3. Dave Says:

    I remember back in Wiesbaden, Germany, the local (US Army) MP’s had a contest for how many times they could trigger the local (German Government) red-light cameras at a particular intersection before the light turned back green.

    This was before digital photography, so each picture was shot to film…

  4. Chas Says:

    Markie Marxist sez: “Didn’t you read your Orwell? Some animals are more equal than others. That’s equality under the law!”

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