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Music soothes the savage beast

Or, you know, drives them off: Oregon cops hope classical music deters loiterers

14 Responses to “Music soothes the savage beast”

  1. Gunmart Says:

    My suggestion would be Kenny G

    … But if this story was about playing classical music at Gitmo, it would be a civil rights violation.

  2. John Smith. Says:

    Try Maria Callas or Albinoni in Venice…. Two of my personal favorites.

  3. Jeff the Baptist Says:

    Heh, depending on the loiterers, I’ve heard of people using very high pitched sound. Teenagers can still hear them, but the older folks lose audio acuity at those frequencies.

  4. John Smith. Says:

    Those high frequency sounds are really annoying. I am well past my teen years but still are annoyed by the people who have them on their phones.

  5. Bubblehead Les Says:

    This was done a few years ago at a nice little shopping center near me. It worked great! The owner’s then were threatened by the local chapter of the NAACP to Cease and Desist because the owners were “Obviously Prejudiced against Young African-American Males”. So they yielded, then sold out. It’s now nearly empty, and has become a known Drug and Gang Haven. Even Wal-Mart shut down it’s Sam’s Club there because of the petty theft rate and the Insurance Rates were skyrocketing. Sad.

  6. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    If you start playing Hayden and Bach won’t that drive away drug dealers but attract professors from Portland State?

    Maybe a good place to open a coffee shop? Goodness knows they need more coffee shops in Portland.

  7. guffaw Says:

    ‘Music hath charms to sooth the savage breast.” – William Congress

    not to be nit-picky

  8. Drang Says:

    Locally, a 7-11 that ran a sub shop just off of Ft Lewis used to do this, the only troops who could handle the Mozart were MI Geeks…

    And one of the local branches of the Martin Luther King County Library System was doing this, too.

  9. Wing and a Whim Says:

    One of the furriers in Anchorage has been doing this for years – and no matter how rowdy the crowd spilling out of the bars, or how many homeless idjits and hippies want to “commune with nature” by panhandling for liquor money, their side of the block is always people-free after their closing time.

  10. John Smith. Says:

    I would pay money to see a bunch of homeless start waltzing to the music….

  11. Nomen Nescio Says:

    some subset of people will be incited to loiter by this tactic. i’m betting they’ll make good customers, too, if this is deployed in and outside stores.

  12. Robert Says:

    Wouldn’t the loiter’s just stick their Ipod buds in and crank it up?

  13. mikee Says:

    Flash mobs breaking into a waltz, and more such at the YouTube link. Nothing so fun as public displays of enjoying one’s high class tastes…

  14. comatus Says:

    “Oh, it’s working all right. I almost wish it wasn’t. All ahead for attack, Mr. Ware. Maybe we can rip him open in the middle of a waltz.”

    –Dick Powell, Muzak Goes to War, 1957
    The Brits didn’t call PA “T’annoy” for nothing.

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