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I don’t think it works like that

A state police officer is seeking to have a judge arrested because the judge didn’t sign an arrest warrant. Wow. Amazing.

6 Responses to “I don’t think it works like that”

  1. Ed Says:

    did the judge sign his own arrest warrant?

  2. Bubblehead Les Says:

    “ currently holding onto a Valid Arrest Warrant and is refusing to sign it…” Hey, Conn. State Gestapo Agent, an Arrest Warrant is NOT Valid UNTIL the Judge signs it. It’s called “Due Process”, and the Judge tells YOU to execute the Warrant, not Vice-Versa, got that, Peanut Butter Brains? Or maybe the Judge can put out a Bench Warrant for YOU, and demand that your Supervisor arrest YOU! Like to spend a few days in Contempt of Court in County, with all those wonderful Lowlifes who like to have unarmed cops in their cells? Somebody higher up in the State Trooper Agency needs to get this Idjits Badge and Gun and make him hit the road before he kills someone.

  3. divemedic Says:

    The cop will have to be fired. That cop just made sure that every judge in that district will be ruling against him for the rest of his career.

    No other judge will allow this to stand, and any other cop or lawyer who tries to support this arrest of the judge will be in a similar predicament.

  4. Phelps Says:

    And where is the DOJ on this?

  5. Jeff Says:

    Sweet. I’ve had a judge decline a warrant because he didn’t believe in drug laws, but that only resulted in a formal complaint on the judge not an arrest warrant. Its like the Judge vs. Cops edition of King of New York!

  6. Mike M. Says:

    +1 to Bubblehead Les.

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