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This may be the best handgun ad I’ve ever seen.

11 Responses to “Truth”

  1. Buffboy Says:

    I agree with your assessment. I can think of no rational reason for this pistol but I WANT one. Actually I’ve wanted one for quite a while but they don’t show up at all, in the wild, in the Dakota’s. I’m glad to see it back in production. Time to start squirreling away some cash.

  2. North Says:

    I HATE going to a gun store and seeing only vanilla guns…

  3. John Says:

    Damn it. Why am I drawn to niche arms? I want one.

  4. Bobby Says:

    pic no workie for me

  5. Parrym Says:

    I was at the local gun range last month and a guy 2 bays down pull out a generic looking 1911. His first round goes off (BOOM) and everyone stops to look over at what he is shooting. The guy right next to me moves to stand behind him and catches a hot shell in the shirt. We figured something was different with the large muzzle flash and huge casings being flung around the shooting bay.
    Low and behold it was a Coonan in .357. It was quite a handful, more so than my mid size Taurus .357.
    Still wanted one.

  6. Bubblehead Les Says:

    They’re Back?! COOOOOL!

  7. Beaumont Says:

    Why want one? Because it’s cool, and because this is By-God AMERICA and I can have one if I want one.

    No other reasons are really necessary.

  8. Paul Says:

    Looks better than the old Coonan. True jazzed up 1911.

    I wonder if it uses a one piece barrel?

  9. Jerry Says:

    I was at CCA once,(It was Guncraft at the time.), on about the tenth lane, from the right. I was there to introduce my son to his new 22. The guy in lane one was lighting up the place, about every five minutes. It was a Deagle in .357. The lightshow was amazing, butt my 1911 is still a 45. I think my next one will be one of those .38 sooper dooper ones. Or, 9×21 win, aw, hell, I lost track.

  10. Bob H Says:

    Uncle the pic won’t load for me, but if you are talking about the Coonan .357 ad, here is the link for the Coonan site:

  11. Bryan S. Says:

    mmmm I wants one.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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