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NYT Does Gun Porn

Purse pistols

5 Responses to “NYT Does Gun Porn”

  1. North Says:

    Ruger Mk II Competition? Pop into a handbag?

  2. MHinGA Says:

    Gonna need a BIG purse to put that P226 into.

  3. North Says:

    It is OK. I just put a ruler up to my screen and all of these guns are under 2″ long.

    I would guess a “pretty”, pink, and fancy filigree howitzer would qualify as a handbag gun.

  4. Weak Stream Says:

    Leave it to the Old Grey Lady to misrepresent the cost of entry associated with self-defense. $3000 for a Sig 9mm and $2600 for a S&W revolver. I’ve come to expect nothing less from you NYT.

  5. Sigivald Says:

    Weak: to be fair, lots of them did mention the “gun” vs. “customization” costs.

    Also, it’s the NY Times Magazine, if you look closely, and looks like their version of the “Style” section.

    In other words, it’s fluff, and everyone expects it to be.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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