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25 ATF Agents Outline Scandals

Some pretty damning stuff here.

4 Responses to “25 ATF Agents Outline Scandals”

  1. Other Steve Says:

    To bad the only mention of NFA I found was the word “unfavorable”.

    I wonder if all this ATF corruption will be used to be push Traver. Or if something good could come of it.

  2. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    Did the agent featured have eye surgery (PRK, Lasek, inter alia) or is that exophalthia as a symptom of another disease?

    Any docs here?

  3. Robert Says:

    Hey, they burned a bunch of kids to death and blamed it on the parents. I wouldn’t expect much.

  4. Mike Vanderboegh Says:

    I wouldn’t believe it though, ’cause it was sent to that “clown” Vanderboegh.

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