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A study

At least they determined this before building it:

Bullets from a nearby gun range could doom a controversial hotel and office tower project planned on west of the Sawgrass Expressway.

6 Responses to “A study”

  1. Ellen Says:

    What do you want to bet that, after the dust has cleared, the gun range is gone and the towers are up?

  2. David, Chandler, AZ Says:

    My question is why the hell they’re building WEST of the freakin’ Sawgrass. Not going to be any ‘Glades left they way they’re going.

  3. comatus Says:

    I’m as tempted as anybody else to dance a little jig about urban sprawl being stopped dead in its tracks, etc.

    But you know what? Someone in Government owes this would-be developer a bunch of money. They changed the zoning in 1987 from recreational to commercial, apparently with an airy notion that gun ranges just naturally go away. And now, they don’t. The option-buyer was deceived by the zoning authorities, a malfeasance on their part.

    I’m shocked, actually, that no slick practitioner of the courtly art has managed to recruit the enviros into a lead-hazard spiral. It’s early days, yet. We may still have to haul out the Rattlesnake Hammock.

  4. dustydog Says:

    I’m confused – don’t ranges have an absolute responsbility to keep all bullets on their property? Is it a government-owned range or something like that? Seems like the range would need to buy the land, not get free use of somebody else’s undeveloped property.

  5. Kristopher Says:

    Pre-existing use. You can’t move next to a nuisance, like a pig farm, and airport, or a gun range, and legally call it a nuisance.

    dustydog: Nope. Range had been there for years. They may have been paying whoever owned the adjoining property for occasional damage to livestock, but I suspect it had always been a non-issue. No one cares if stray rounds land in an unused swamp.

    What happened here, IMO, is that a developer bought up cheap land as it was being swallowed up by an existing urcan growth boundary, confident he could pay off local politicians to close any pre-existing problems like airports and gun-ranges.

    Things didn’t go as usual for the real-estate guys.

    Too bad, so sad.

  6. Roger Says:

    Markham Park gunrange is only a few miles from where I live. I have sent a lot of lead and copper downrange there.
    It is a part of the Broward county park system and only a small part of Markham park. It is however, the ONLY part of that park that actually makes money.
    With the known liberal leanings and regular convictions of of Broward politicians, it would not surprise me in the least if the range was declared unwanted. & a commercial mall built.

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