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In Chicago

Electing felons. Hey, when you’re a Chicago politician, what’s a little armed robbery? Felons can’t own guns. But can hold office. Now, which do you think is more dangerous?

7 Responses to “In Chicago”

  1. MrSatyre Says:

    It’s Chicago! Look who they elected as mayor, for cryin’ out loud, as if THAT would be a change over the previous administration! Is ANYONE surprised?

    Liberals dig their own graves any expect the rest of us to lie down in them alongside them without any fuss.

  2. MR Says:

    In other “news” today: Water is wet. Fire is hot.
    I lived 30 years of my life in Illinois, and moved to MI 2 years ago. No way I am going back. The whole state has to put up with Chicago’s politics. Totally unacceptable.

  3. BobG Says:

    “That’s the Chicago way!”

  4. Tasso Rampante Says:

    Representative democracy in action: who better to represent the interests of a criminal constituency?

  5. Jay Says:

    Eh, they did it in Florida too. (Sorry, the company he ran committed the felony, not the man who made the decisions.)

    The reality is that folks vote for Team Red or Team Blue, and don’t seem to care about much else.

  6. MrSatyre Says:

    @ Jay: “The reality is that folks vote for Team Red or Team Blue, and don’t seem to care about much else.”

    Too true. Can anyone say “lemmings”?

  7. Seerak Says:

    Felons can’t own guns. But can hold office. Now, which do you think is more dangerous?

    That line reminded me of something Glenn Reynolds said last week about that story of putting GPS tracking devices into guns — put them into state legislators instead, statistically they are much more likely to be used in a crime.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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