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Two US soldiers shot at Frankfurt Airport


22 Responses to “Two US soldiers shot at Frankfurt Airport”

  1. mikee Says:

    “Kosovo national” sometimes means a follower of Islam.

  2. Kim du Toit Says:

    10-1: shooter = Muslim asshole
    100-1: media won’t say much about his religious motivation if it is

  3. Phelps Says:

    RoP strikes again.

  4. Jim Says:

    Been there. I can tell you that finding a Muslim in Serbia or Croatia is like finding a beer at an AA meeting.

    Those jokers took a dim view of radical muslims. Well, heck, the took a pretty dim view of ALL muslims. But they don’t have to worry about the locals suffering from Sudden Jihad Syndrome.

    Hope the vics survive.

  5. DirtCrashr Says:

    Arif Uka from the northern town of Mitrovica in Kosovo.
    That whole area, the staging-ground of massacres, it’s people are broken in bits.

  6. Jim Says:

    Arif Uka: Salami bacon! Allah Akbar.

  7. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    “But they don’t have to worry about the locals suffering from Sudden Jihad Syndrome.”

    Unless they have been radicalized at a Saudi mosque in say Germany.

  8. Tam Says:

    A Kosovar Albanian?

    Save a guy from ethnic cleansing and this is how he pays you back?

  9. craig Says:

    Tam, pretty much. Moslems are taught that it is the duty of infidels to serve them, and that it is unseemly for them to be grateful to infidels for doing what is their duty. Failure to apprehend this principle explains a lot of the weak points of American policy for, oh, fifty years or so.

  10. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Kosovo itself is about 90% diaperhead.

  11. Lyle Says:

    We don’t know if this has anything to do with terrorism? So this perfectly non-motivated by world politics guy might just have been out plinking, you know, near an airport, and he just happened to be shooting at a U.S. military bus?

    And; no one shot back? Let’s try not to explore that question, either.

  12. franxredhot Says:

    Kosovar-probably Muslim.
    No shooting back-f-n’ insane.
    If that’s the real Kim above,get back in the game,we miss you.

  13. Ron W Says:


    There was no shootin’ back at Ft. Hood either, because the ruling elite class keeps our military DISARMED when they come from the field of combat.

    Only your enemy wants you disarmed.

  14. Ron W Says:


    We’d probably know more if the shooter was “homegrown” from backhome or downhome.

  15. Sean D Sorrentino Says:

    Quick, someone pass some more gun control laws because the easy access to spray fire death machines here in America is causing MURDER!!!!

    Anyone know if he used a “Big Bullet Blasting Box?”

  16. Roger Says:

    Fox news is now stating that he was a muslim and an employee at the airport.
    Surprise surprise! A murderous muslim.
    Convict him, put him in an Israeli prison and feed him pork sausage every day for life. If we’re lucky, he’ll choke to death on the sausage and the only virgin will be him.

  17. F-Zero Says:

    They were airmen, and it is the policy of the usaf to keep all airmen except on duty security forces personnel unarmed unless in theater and outside the wire. Because we can’t trust our troops with their own self defense, especially if we trained them.

  18. Ron W Says:

    … “we can’t trust our troops with their own self defense,” –F-Zero

    Because only your enemy wants you disarmed.

  19. Justthisguy Says:

    I was in the local McDonald’s, today, eating something off of their dollar menu, when I heard the older-than-I-am guy two seats away express the opinion that those ragheads don’t understand anything but force and violence, and that they need to be nuked. He was discussing this issue with the nice old white lady sitting between us. She did not seem to be very objectionous about what he said.

    M’self, as a rational Western person, I have no problems with touching off a bucket of sunshine, say 20 megatons, or so, right smack dab on the K’aaba.

    As a Christian, I would have to call that murder. However, I’m not really a very good Christian, and there have always been plenty of sojers willing to go to hell, if that’s what it takes to kill people who need killin’.

  20. Tam Says:


    Given the level of firearms training received by the average wing-wiper…

  21. David Says:

    Re: raghead and diaperhead – what’s a good epithet for Christians?

  22. F-Zero Says:

    Very true Tam. I don’t know, I just think if I’m willing to receive training, seek permits, become licensed, and am a member of the military, I should be able to carry said protection in my off time, even on base. Not that it would have been the answer in this situation, clearly.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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