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Rule 2

Gun safety brought to you by American Where Great Britain Used To Be Top Gear.

13 Responses to “Rule 2”

  1. ATLien Says:


    That’s British Top Gear

  2. Bryan S. Says:

    THats from the trip to the north pole episode…. he got lambasted for it and made fun of. James May has never had an exposure to firearms (which is a failing of his family and countrymen)

  3. DaddyBear Says:

    I watched a few episodes of British Top Gear, both on BBC America and Netflix. I gave up after watching a few episodes where they rated some American cars and especially after they made a trip from Miami to New Orleans. The almost constant “Cousin Humping” and other anti-American jokes got on my usually pretty thickly insulated nerves enough that I decided not to waste any more of my time with the series.

    As for why a society that has had a strong warrior ethic for over 1000 years can become as it has is a mystery to me. The British Armed Forces are still the envy of the world in their professionalism and expertise, but the society that produces them has lost all connection to what can make good citizens.

  4. Caleb Says:

    It’s worth noting that Hammond and Clarkson both actually enjoy shooting guns.

    Do they make fun of negative American stereotypes? Yes. They also make fun of negative German, Mexican, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Australian, and pretty much anyone else’s negative stereotype. It’s part of the humor of the show. Example – in a challenge against a German TV show, the crew showed up in Spitfires.

  5. Bobby Says:

    Yeah, the top gear guys make fun of evertything, basically. You should hear them rip on British Leyland.

    A good episode recently, they did drivebys in supercars on a range. Clarkson did one in the new gull winged mercedes with a FA M16 if i remember right 😀

    The Spitfire episode was epic.

  6. ATLien Says:

    They also pick on Scots, gingers, Northerners (England, that is), people who drive BMWs, people who drive Aston Martins, etc.

  7. Tam Says:


    That’s basically the way your Limey poofter humor works. Just laugh along with them and then give it right back to ’em, and they’ll respect you so much they’ll stand the next round.

  8. MrSatyre Says:

    I love those guys as much as everyone else, but “…James May has never had an exposure to firearms” just doesn’t hold water. Even someone who has never had any physical hands-on exposure to firearms knows via comic books, TV and the History Channel (and the equivalent BBC documentaries on numerous wars of the past several centuries) know that guns go BANG and unpleasantness occurs to whatever’s on the receiving end.

  9. John Says:

    Well, it WAS James May after all. He hasn’t exactly been portrayed on TopGear as the sharpest knife in the drawer.

    Now, in all seriousness, the camera angle doesn’t show enough information. Perhaps he already cleared the action and was using a bore light to examine the barrel.

    Just saying.

  10. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    How dare you mock the Motherland! Like you’ve never seen this behaviour at a gun show in the States.

    I am offended. I demand this blog place Englishmen in the same protected class as homosexuals and . . . wait, I repeat myself.

  11. LRM Says:

    Love Top Gear (at least the Brit version) but Clarkson is notoriously anti-American and proves it and every opportunity. Never once does he mention Americans in a positive light. Thinks fat American is one word. Thinks the US-Brit special relationship should be dropped.
    Think it has a lot to do with the fact that the US is the only place in the world that doesn’t carry his show. Also, his father in law is a VC winner (that’s a real big deal) and perhaps suffers from an inferiority complex when comparing the US military to GB’s pathetically small-if professional-services.
    Also, he just may be a wanker.

  12. steve Says:

    LRM, I’d rather have 5 good fighting men at my side, than 500 hundred who couldn’t fight there way out of paper bags.

    SAS > regular army

    need I go on??

  13. McThag Says:

    The US doesn’t carry Top Gear? That’s news since I watch it in the US on BBCA.

    May is a shooter, check the biathlon episode (Clarkson uses an MP5).

    Clarkson is more American than he thinks and it’s amusing to see him confronted with it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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