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Registration and right to privacy

Attorney General of Illinois says state police must release names of everyone in the state authorized to own a gun.

6 Responses to “Registration and right to privacy”

  1. Bryan S. Says:

    So they need a list of all non-felons?

  2. MJM Says:

    I can see this backfiring on them. They are always after us to accept “reasonable” regulations. Now, they prove to us–again–that we should resist all forms of registration schemes that create any record of a lawful citizen’s purchases.

  3. armed_partisan Says:

    “Attorney General of Ill-Annoys says doctors must release a list of every woman who’s had an abortion.”

    “Attorney General of Ill-Annoys says all retailers of sex toys must release a list of anyone who’s ever purchased a ‘dildo’ or other phallic shaped sex toy.”

    “Attorney General of Ill-Annoys says that funeral homes, mortuaries, and hospitals must release a list of recently dead so that they can count the number of Democrat voters more accurately before the next election.”

  4. mikee Says:

    Attorney General of Ill-Annoys says that British Troops will be quartered in area residential neighborhoods, ignoring complaints from homeowners that the Hessian mercenaries smell of sauerkraut.

    Attorney General of Ill-Annoys says that Police can just come on in to your house. Likely they need to check that British Troops are being fed well enough, and that you aren’t making them use the worn out sheets and towels.

    Attorney General of Ill-Annoys says that you have to tell the Police everything when they ask, and if you don’t, the British Troops will be used to make you talk.

    Attorney General of Ill-Annoys says that Jury trials for those who won’t house the British Troops are unnecessary and the Police will just take notes as the Hessian mercenaries break down these people’s doors and take their stuff.

  5. Kristopher Says:


    They are releasing the names and addresses of all armed ex-cops in IL, as well as all gun-owning politicians … including the Democrats.

    There will be unintended consequences here.

  6. spacemecha Says:

    Isn’t a list of known people with firearms basically saying everyone else may not have one and so you’ve got better luck with them. I mean yes, the others may or may not have non-registered firearms but that’s unpossible. Less risk of getting shot with going where you shouldn’t be.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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