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I have the flu for the first time in, oh, about 15 years. Light blogging. Not feeling it.

15 Responses to “Sick”

  1. ViolentIndifference Says:

    I’ll write you an excuse.

    (I hope you feel better.)

  2. bluesun Says:

    …you say after posting 17 times.

  3. John Smith. Says:

    I have never had the flu. Must suck…

  4. Jonathan Says:

    I saw some doctors in Wisconsin that doesn’t charge for a visit.

  5. wizardpc Says:

    Apparently the flu strain that hit TN was different than the one they had the vaccine for.

  6. Fox Says:

    Same here… strange.

  7. Jay G. Says:

    There’s something nasty going around, Unc. Feel better soon.

  8. Ron W Says:

    Not that it will help immediately, but take a good amount of Vitamin D (1000-2000 IU’s), especially in the months that we typically don’t get much sunshine on your bare skin (face and arms).

    Notice that the flu season coincides with the least sunlight months and Vitamin D is very important in maintaing a strong immune system. Of course, the medial establishment and the powers that be would rather you get the flu shot–for Big Pharma’s sake.

  9. Ellen Says:

    Ron W – the two are not mutually exclusive. I’ve had the flu shot, AND I take Vitamin D. There’s something long-play going on here in Minnesota, but so far I’ve not caught it.

  10. David, Chandler, AZ Says:

    How do we tell your “light” blogging from your regular blogging?

  11. Ron W Says:


    I’ve excluded the flu shot…never gotten one. I last had the flu in 1968. In my opinion, I think the flu shot is to help keep the drug companies fiancially healthy. I think the “powers that be” would like to mandate and use hired guns to make us take it…just as they are for the rest of our “healthcare”.

  12. ben Says:

    Poor Wiggum.

  13. Vote For David Says:

    Welcome to the party, pal. The CDC says it’s prevalent in 37 States; my entire nuclear family got it; 1/4 the people where I work missed work; people at church got it. Take solace in knowing this is a relatively light-weight flu according to our combined experience.

  14. Linoge Says:

    Bleh. Sucks. I just got over my pneumonia, and Better Half is recovering from her bronchitis. Seems fun respiratory diseases are going around… here is to getting better!

  15. nk Says:

    Get well soon.

    This is one bad flu season.

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