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Another stupid ban

A bill to ban stoplight texting. Via Xrlq, who says Coming next: a ban on drinking and not-driving. Well, there have been a few cases of folks in parked cars sleeping one off being charged and convicted of DUI.

7 Responses to “Another stupid ban”

  1. Barron Barnett Says:

    Worst story I heard about was a guy who decided to sleep it off in his car, got cold and started his engine to warm up. Busted him for DUI, no previous record, destroyed his employment, I don’t know what happened after his trial.

    The officer who went after him was the same dick who went after me when I hit ice. Then there was this incident where a guy was harassed for talking on his cell phone while parked in a parking lot.

  2. Standard Mischief Says:

    …The bill also would ban drivers from reading texts while driving — an act excluded from the state’s texting-while-driving ban.

    What we need to do is to ban reading anything from any display at all in the vehicle. That would keep you from checking your speed, changing the radio station, using your GPS navigator, or pulling over when your car overheats.

    Seriously, we can also not exempt the police at the same time, because we all know that the badge issued does not confer super magical powers. So what if they can’t do their jobs?

  3. trackerk Says:

    Exempt the police? They are the worst. If I see an Oklahoma City cop in driving down the road or parked in a speed trap there is an 80% chance they are talking on the phone or texting. Really, I’m being generous, I can’t remember the last time I didn’t see a cop talking on the phone or texting.

  4. Rivrdog Says:

    In Oregon, there is a legal presumption that if you are in a car, at the wheel, in a traffic lane, you are driving. Being stopped has nothing to do with it. You can call or text unless you are PARKED, and it’s against the law to park in a traffic lane, so…

    Most modern cell phones have speech-to-text and voice command, so there really is no reason not to be able to do all this comm legally.

  5. Standard Mischief Says:

    Exempt the police? They are the worst.

    Arguably true, but there you go. Police and Rescue, when doing their jobs, are exempt in MD. When they’re not doing their job, there’s still “professional courtesy”.

  6. Xrlq Says:

    Seems I goofed – rather than saying “coming next” I should have said “coming previously.” My bad.

  7. JKB Says:

    Well, they did move to ban people from having no smoking nicotine delivery devices in their mouths on airplanes.

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