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Run background checks too

Senate proposed bill requiring you to show photo ID before voting. We should run background checks on people too and charge a $10 fee.

19 Responses to “Run background checks too”

  1. Brian Heyer Says:

    I guess some rights are more equal that others….

  2. wizardpc Says:

    There is also a bill out there to let your carry permit exempt you from a TICS check.

  3. mikee Says:

    So I can use my TX CHL when voting? Cool political statement, I think.

  4. Jeff Says:

    Is there anything Ticketmaster doesn’t control?

  5. Alchemist Says:

    Clearly insufficient. For local elections you clearly need a “voter education” course and a state-issued “Right to Vote” card. For Federal elections, due to the unusually dangerous nature of politicians you need to apply for a right to vote in a Federal election, get signoff from CLEO, and submit fingerprints and a $200 filing fee 4-6 months in advance to ensure you’re not a “prohibited voter” and can legally vote in your state.

    After all, none of this is considered “infringement”, right?

  6. c0yote Says:

    Might actually keep those dead folks from voting…

  7. dustydog Says:

    I would love to the voting law that parallels one handgun per month enforced. If the buses couldn’t drive from polling place to polling place on the same day, lots of ‘democratic’ districts in Maryland and New Work state would turn red.

  8. Breda Says:

    I already have to show my I.D. to vote.

  9. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Against the law to show ID here…but I need to flash a permit to buy ANY guns or ammo, even private sales.

  10. Flight-ER-Doc Says:

    And a drug test.

    Oh, and all that applies to getting elected or appointed to any governmental position, and voting in the legislature, in a court (judge, or jury), and certainly in the executive branch.

  11. Paul Says:

    Show ID before voting? Fine with me.

    Now just raise the age to 21. Research now shows teens do NOT HAVE A FULLY DEVELOPED BRAIN. And that is why they do such stupid things.

  12. Huck Says:

    Paul, the minimun age to vote was 21 until 1971 when the 26th ammendment was passed.

    I personally think that one should be required to show a history of employment when registering to vote. If you’ve been leeching off welfare for your entire life, you should’nt be allowed to vote.

  13. Timmeehh Says:

    Paul and Huck are correct.

    What the government essentially does is decide how to spend the taxpayers’ money. If you can’t prove that you are a NET taxpayer then you shouldn’t have the right to vote, because IT’S NOT YOUR MONEY.

  14. Bryan S. Says:

    My money is on what Paul is selling… heck, might even talk me into the argument of voting based on land ownership…..

  15. mike w. Says:

    Already have to show ID here to vote.

  16. Tirno Says:

    It’s already been established in law that no person whatsoever has a right to receive any government entitlement. The legislature can decide to turn off the entitlement and you have no standing to sue to have it restored.

    So, I see no problem with FedGov making the receipt of federal unemployment benefits contingent on not voting in federal elections.

    If such people meet this standard, I also see no problem with allowing a 10% benefit increase if they go on a government provided contraceptive treatment, confirmed monthly by some kind of test prior to the bonus being disbursed. Some have a religious objection to contraception, and that’s fine, I’m sure their church will provide an equivalent money award for their co-religionists that refuse the bonus.

    Hell, I haven’t any problem with all stockholders and employees of a company that receives a federal bailout prevented from being eligible to vote in the next federal election. I’ll pierce the corporate veil on that one. On the day of the payout, the company will just have to turn over a validated list of all employees and stockholders. You wanna get something… you gotta pay something. What’s it worth to you?

  17. Tirno Says:

    Oh, and Social Security and Medicare? As long as they’re operating out of the trust funds, OK. But as soon a federal general fund tax dollars start flowing in to prop up the benefits the politicians wrote the checks for… all beneficiaries outta the federal voter pool due to conflict of interest.

    And it shouldn’t take long to get there.

  18. emdfl Says:

    The problem you have, Tirno, is that ever since LBJ(burning in hell, I hope) and his democraps decided to use the SS funds to finance their “Great Society”/welfare scheme, the SS funds have been co-mingled with the general tax revenues. THERE AIN’T NO TRUST FUND(S).

  19. MPH Says:

    FICA went red in 2010.

    I recall back in 1996 a Social Security pamphlet saying that FICA would go red in 2017, which “… gives Congress plenty of time to … ” fix the problem.

    Funny how not only didn’t Congress fix the problem, but FICA didn’t even have the math skills needed to accurately predict when the problem would surface (predicted insolvency to happen in 21 years, it happened in 14).

    As to the “trust funds”, I have actually met people who think that the “full faith and credit” of the USA will make sure that they will be repaid. Despite that the US Supreme Court decided in 1962 that FICA funds belong to Congress, and the people have no expectations of receiving the money extorted from them. Despite the fact that if a company did what Congress has done, and “loaned” money from one branch to another, and then called the load papers “assets”, it would result in criminal indictments (such bookkeeping chicanery is illegal for businesses but not for Congress).

    And for those who are still not convinced: take a piece of paper; write “I owe me $1,000,000,000” on it; put it in your wallet; then ask yourself “Am I now a billionaire?” If you think the answer is yes, try to get a loan from a bank using that piece of paper as collateral.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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