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First, they came for the sex offenders

A gun offender registry. Eventually, there will be a list for all of us.

5 Responses to “First, they came for the sex offenders”

  1. anon Says:

    I think we need to start a ‘Constitutional Offender’ registry. Any lawmaker or regulator caught writing or voting for a law or regulation found to be unconstitutional would be put on the list.

  2. JP Says:

    Hell – they probably got us all on a list we don’t know about already.

  3. Paul Says:

    Why not just a list of all FELONS?

    I mean, that is really what they need. Online list and what their convictions were for.

  4. RuffRidr Says:

    I was unaware of the fact that Connecticut had so much money to waste.

  5. karrde Says:

    And people who are not on any other official List will find themselves on the Unlisted List.

    Gotta list the people who aren’t being officially watched, so that they can sleep peacefully at night.

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