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They found it!

The shoulder thing that goes up

6 Responses to “They found it!”

  1. Bobby Says:

    Wait a minute, My M1A has one too! Alert the Bradys!

  2. Wolfwood Says:

    It’s very important that we get M60s off the streets. For the children.

  3. CaptainVictory Says:

    Even more perilous: A compass in the stock and this thing which tells time.

  4. Michael Says:

    I wish my gun had one. Mine only has one of those other things. You know, the black metal one.

  5. Diomed Says:

    Uh, machineguns have had shoulder things that go up since about 1910 or so (the Hotchkiss Portable has it). Hell, even the 1918A2 BAR has one. The pig’s a latecomer to the shoulder thing that goes up race.

  6. JJR Says:

    LMFAO! Thanks for posting that link.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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