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Headline of the day

Harvard Law Prof Tells Senate that Congress Can Make You Buy Broccoli. Well, if they can, then they can make you buy vitamins, a gym membership, and a Chevy Volt.

7 Responses to “Headline of the day”

  1. Chas Says:

    Markie Marxist sez: “The US Constitution is meaningless. We can make people do whatever we want. We can make people buy whatever we want with no authority from the Constitution, and we can send people to prison for gun possession despite the Constitution. Anyone who disagrees with us goes to the gulag! Government is about power, not silly, antique documents that don’t mean anything in the real world. The US Constitution is nothing more than a tourist attraction in Washington D.C. for mindless visitors to gawk at. All your Constitution is belong to us! Not that it matters.”

  2. BWM Says:

    What slippery slope?

  3. trackerk Says:

    I personally will go down in a hail of bullets before I buy any GM product.

  4. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Heck, I’ll go down in a hail of bullets before I buy broccoli.

  5. Matt Groom Says:

    And that, my friends, is why Harvard is like the Atlantic City of the Ivy League. Sure, it was one hell of a nice place to go in the 1950’s, but the 50’s are OVER, baby.

  6. JJR Says:

    In Texas they can make you buy auto insurance and penalize you if you don’t. Been that way for years.
    Under Republican governors.

  7. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    Yes, and that is . . . Texas, which is a state, which has that authority. However, the federal Constitution gives Congress no power to force anyone to buy anything other than a firearm (and perhaps a uniform, pack, inter alia for militia service).

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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