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Deal Alert

Over at LuckyGunner, Tula 45ACP on sale. Enter the offer code iloveuncle and get another $10 off. 1000 rounds for $280 is a pretty good deal.

Disclosure: I don’t make any profit from this.

7 Responses to “Deal Alert”

  1. John Says:

    The discount just about covered shipping. Good deal!

  2. HardCorps Says:

    You should read the zero hedge disclosure and apply it here. I want you to have an incentive.

  3. Kristopher Says:

    Steel and lacquer cased.

    Just can’t get the Russians to stop doing that, I guess.

  4. Nylarthotep Says:

    Nice. Bought a case of .223 also. Only problem is I don’t have a .223 rifle yet. I guess I have a bit more incentive to buy one.

  5. Bryan S. Says:

    Kristopher- They keep doing it because it seems to work. Stuck cases dont come from lacquer, they come from mixing steel and brass ammo.

  6. Kristopher Says:

    I reload .. so it still annoys me.

  7. Hartley Says:

    Tula = Wolf I’ve put maybe 1500 rounds of Wolf thru my G30 and G21, had exactly one dud. Dirty as heck, and somewhat low-power, but definitely fun plinking ammo for the caliber. Also very easy to clean up the “brass”..:-)

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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