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Eventually, we’ll all be on one:

GOP to look at federal gun laws

Thanks, GOP.

Staffers from the House Judiciary Committee will meet with Obama administration officials Thursday to examine the effectiveness of federal laws designed to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill, according to a Republican aide with the panel.

The closed-door gathering will focus on whether a federal system of background checks is working to block gun sales to the mentally ill and others barred from owning firearms, the aide said Tuesday. Staffers from both parties will attend, as well as officials from the FBI and possibly the Justice Department, the aide added.

And if they’re not effective? Which they’re not. Also, considering the Mayors Against Guns proposal to require states to report domestic violence, mental records, and drug use to the NICS database. They tried that unfunded mandate stuff before and it didn’t work. Also, this is scary:

Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY), come on down. Earlier this week, Mr. Schumer proposed that federal officials who learn of an individual’s illegal drug use must report that information to the FBI. The admission would then go into a federal database, and be used to deny the individual the right to purchase a gun.

Soon the .gov will be restricting all manner of things based on what list you’re on.

5 Responses to “Lists”

  1. Bill Says:

    I guess that means that Bill and Barack will be the first two names on the new list since both have admitted to use of controlled substances.

  2. Nylarthotep Says:

    Soon the .gov will be restricting all manner of things based on what list you’re on.

    Well there are already some restrictions like that lovely secret “no fly” list. More lists are just going to make things worse. Especially if the lists content can’t be challenged. Worse being if you’re on the “no buy” list due to an error and you apply for a NICS check. You have then committed a crime.

    I don’t say it’s a huge problem, but if it happens to you it will be.

  3. IllTemperedCur Says:

    Everyone can get behind the idea of keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill, right?

    Oh, by the way……if you’re conservative, you’re mentally ill.

    As a start, do a web search for “Political Conservatism as Motivated Social Cognition”. It’s just one of many “academic” or “scientific” papers that draw the conservatism = mental illness parallel.

  4. Ian Argent Says:

    Un-named aide says staffers are meeting? Keep an eye out, but seriously…

  5. Chas Says:

    The fraud that is NICS should not have its credibility enhanced with an “improvement”.
    Any non-incarcerated criminal who wants a gun can get one. NICS does not change that, because NICS is a ruse. NICS is a fraud to deceive the public into thinking that guns are controlled, while all it does is harass law-abiding gun owners – it’s “gun control theater”.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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