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Situational Awareness

Video of woman who falls into a mall fountain. She was texting while walking. She’s now suing, uh, someone for putting the security video online. Says the woman:

Texting while walking, Cruz says, is “dangerous. … I could have been walking into a bus, a car, a ditch, anything. Texting and walking, take it from me, is dangerous. It really is.”

Fortunately for you, you just suffered humiliation and some wet clothes.

5 Responses to “Situational Awareness”

  1. Jeff the Baptist Says:

    The really sad thing is that the video is of horrible quality so if she hadn’t come forward to sue, no one would have ever known it was her.

  2. Dubber 308 Says:

    Used to be, the reaction to doing something like this was to cover your face and “Oh God! I hope nobody saw me do that,” while sneaking away. Now the reaction seems to be getting in front of a news camera and “You humiliated me! GIMMEE MONEY!!!!”

  3. JimB Says:

    She’s lucky.. A few weeks ago a young woman walked in front of a speeding train while texting and listening to her ipod. I’ll bet she would have chosen a fall in a fountain. The results would have been much better.

  4. emdfl Says:

    The mall should be suing her for contaminating their fountain with stupid genes.

  5. Drake Says:

    It’s now being reported that the klutz has a criminal record involving fraud and ID theft.

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