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Quick Hits

Not much blogging this weekend. Stuff. But a few things:

Given my recent acquisition, the S&W M&P22 is appealing.

Self dismantling gun. Ouch.

The Kimber Solo


8 Responses to “Quick Hits”

  1. Wolfwood Says:

    I like the look of the Solo, but knowing Kimber it’s going to be $1,400 or so. If it’s below $800 I might go for it, but otherwise I’m sticking with the PM9 or BHP.

  2. PT Says:

    Kimber Solo looks like an updated version of the Colt Pocket Hammerless with a shorter barrel

  3. Fred Says:

    The Solo’s MSRP’d at $725 on their site. I do like the updated and super-melted 1908 feel to it, time to start stashing monies me thinks. Between that and the M&P22, 2011’s looking like a pricey year for me and my pistol budget…

  4. Fred Says:

    The Solo’s MSRP’d at $725 on their site. I do like the updated and super-melted 1908 feel to it, time to start stashing monies me thinks. Between that and the M&P22, 2011’s looking like a pricey year for me and my pistol budget…

  5. KCSteve Says:

    I work at the gun counter of the KC Cabela’s. We’ve got the Solo on display (not for sale until the 18th but we’re taking orders) and it’s priced at $699.99.

    Doesn’t look like a Kimber but it has that Kimber feel.

    Very intriguing little gun.

  6. Wolfwood Says:

    I do want one, but I think I’ll wait until they’ve gone through the first run and any teething problems have (hopefully) been taken care of. Both Kimber 1911s I’ve had were very finicky about mags and ammo, so I remain somewhat hesitant on the brand.

  7. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Good to see more small 1911s moving into the realm usually occupied by .380s. Still If I wanted a gun this small I’d want it for pocket carry, and for that I’d prefer a DAO with no safety.

  8. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Jesus I’m a fanboy. substitute “1911” for “Gun”. I will admit there ARE other guns besides the 1911. ; ]

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