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We’re number one

Top 11 gun owning countries.

6 Responses to “We’re number one”

  1. Mu Says:

    And those are just the legal guns, not counting Mexican gun shows.

  2. alan Says:

    #1 with a bullet!

  3. Stranger Says:

    And it’s wrong. It is based on “the reasonable assumption that the average service life of a firearm is on the same order as the average life of an automobile.” No more than 30 years, in that case. The ratio between guns and people Yemen is closer to 1:1, the US is probably slightly over two to one.


  4. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    My family has firearms owned by my greatgreatgrandfather that still function.

    Do sociologists think guns turn to dust after so many decades?

    Only 90 per 100? Who isn’t carrying their pack? I’m looking at you East Coast.

  5. Shawn Says:

    Tell us something we don’t know.

  6. Sarah Says:

    Ha, Finland is #4. I knew it! My husband is from Finland, and the Finns, they luvz their gunz.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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