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Blame game

Someone shot a congresswoman in AZ. Now, folks are arguing over which brand of crazy the shooter is.

18 Responses to “Blame game”

  1. Robb Allen Says:

    The dude’s ramblings and book selection were so all-over-the-place that it makes the path in Candyland look straight as a razor.

    Oddly, I blame the shooter rather than his tools, gender, or political views, but that’s me and my crazy ‘individualist’ mentality.

  2. OHIO SHAWN Says:

    CNN mentioned it was a Glock 19 with an extended mag. Now the question is whether they go after a new gun law, or whether they realize this guy was nuts and they need new mental illness services.

  3. Jack Says:

    There’s also if they’ll “realize” that “hate speech” is at the root of this and work to ban “incendiary words”.

    Never let a crisis go to waste.

  4. mikee Says:

    When bad things are done to good people, for no apparent reason other than a desire to do evil, it is a responsibility and a duty for every decent person to stand against the evil act, in order to repudiate it and help prevent a recurrence.

  5. divemedic Says:

    The reporter for Fox News said last night that such a large number of victims could only be caused by an automatic weapon, which is illegal in AZ. Maybe we could pass a law requiring reporters to know what they are talking about.

  6. Tam Says:

    The amount of blood-dancing going on has me thoroughly nauseated.

  7. hellferbreakfast Says:

    Here’s obama’s “Oklahoma City”. Wasn’t there a movie with similar circumstances?? (had to be a woman that was assinated) that was supposed to turn public poinion?????

  8. hellferbreakfast Says:

    S’cuse me, that’s OPINION.

  9. John Smith. Says:

    The congresswoman is just lucky he did not have a 10mm or a .45… This shooting graphically points out the pros and cons of the 9mm cartridge. Hope she is still pro gun when she recovers…

  10. Crotalus Says:

    Don’t know whether she’ll have enough left to be pro-gun or anti-gun. But Helmke had something akin to an orgasm, I’ll bet, and japete and the Brady Brats started doing the nastiest version of the Danse Macabre yet, even before the bodies assumed room temperature.

  11. Ron W Says:


    One would think she would still have the same political views when she recovers UNLESS she comes under intense pressure from those, especially within her chosen political party, to think like them.

    I am pro-gun and I know I could get shot. How ridiculuous would it be to say, “I’m for the RKBA unless or until I get shot.” I am pro-gun, among several reasons, on of which is the possibilty that I can be shot unless I keep and carry the means to either lessen or hopefully eliminate that possibility. How absurd and selfish would it be for me, after getting shot, to then call for laws to restrict or deny the right of others to continue to protect themselves—to be enforced by government’s hired guns!!

  12. John Smith. Says:

    Ron. It is called brain damage… Brain damage changes people. More than likely she will have years of recovery on top of memory loss… Was brady still the same man after he was shot in the head??? It has little to do with personal views or selfishness. The big question is will she wake up herself or someone else.

  13. ViolentIndifference Says:

    You are implying, John Smith, that a person with a normal brain in favor of the second amendment will, after her brain is damaged, be for gun control.

  14. Ron W Says:


    Having been around some brain injured people, what you say could be true in that they quite often have some various and unpredcitable physical and mental disablities and are often more emotional in their disposition.I was conservator for my cousin who was shot in the head and his basic views and thinking remained intact whereas his disablities were mostly physical with left side hemiparesis. My statement was premised on the hope that the Congresswoman recovers to normal lucidity.

  15. hellferbreakfast Says:

    I agree. Hope the congresswoman recovers fully. Prayers for her & the other victims & families. Crazies exist even in the Utopia of D.C. & elsewhere. Why doesn’t EVERYONE understand there ARE people out there that WILL kill you???? (yeah, I know, it sounds paranoid). Perhaps armed, trained aides, instead of delicate, lily livered sissies, who can only, maybe, react, instead of act. An armed citizen DID make some difference in the outcome!!!!

  16. John Smith. Says:

    Yes Ron my aunt has brain damage from shattered auto glass perforating her temple. She is 100 percent different. She went from an incredibly kind person to one who was hateful and delusional… She disowned her 2 year old son because she suddenly regarded him as a half breed.(She is ethnically a Korean who grew up in the USA and married my uncle a Roma)
    She went from being a loving wife to hating her husband and child during the time of her recovery; initially not recognizing anyone at all. It was rather sad to watch the change. That accident destroyed the whole family. Neither of them have seen her in more than 30 years….

  17. John Smith. Says:

    Seems the bullet took out the personality center of her brain. The neurologists that have examined her are hoping to get just basic functions out of this recovery…

  18. Rivrdog Says:

    Gee, I have a novel idea: let’s assume the perp is SANE until it’s proven he isn’t. Why give him a Not Guilty plea before the evidence is heard?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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