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Mass Deaths of animals

Birds dropping dead from the sky. Lots of dead fish showing up on lake shores. Sign of the apocalypse? Les Jones: I can’t tell if this bird story is a big deal or not.

Apparently, these sorts of things happen often enough but the press is latching on.

8 Responses to “Mass Deaths of animals”

  1. Blake Says:

    Yeah…you nailed it. The press is latching onto it and sensationalizing it.

    That’s about it…and nothing new there either.

  2. Drake Says:

    I wish more would plummet from the sky. Sumbitchin birds love to shit on my truck.

  3. Ellen Says:

    Sudden Press Attention Syndrome. Happened a few years back with shark attacks.

  4. comatus Says:

    “AD 671: There was the great death of birds.”
    –The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle

    Shocking lack of analysis and interview, no film at 11, and for all we know, it may be anglosaxonism that causes it. Anecdote [plural, data]: some nominally Anglo-Saxon acquaintances of mine have brought about a very considerable death of birds, although dogs were involved.

    Tippi Hedren unavailable for comment?

  5. mikee Says:

    This sort of thing happened once a decade or so ago, with grackles dropping outside the labs where I worked. There was much concern about our filtration and exhaust systems, until the maintenance man pointed out that the night before he had put out poisoned bird food because of all the complaints about bird crap on the cars in the parking lot. Case solved, case closed!

  6. Rivrdog Says:

    This ayem, Fox news, on what must be a slow news day, did a story on Dead Birds, and Megan Kelly recited a long list of masses of dead critters, then juxtaposed the Myan Calendar Conspiracy in the story! Talk about your Yellow Press! Yes, Megan IS blonde.

  7. blounttruth Says:

    Interesting news…,-arkansas-flock-captured-on-doppler-radar

  8. mikee Says:

    Also, there is indeed a scientific journal devoted to transient natural phenomena such as whale beachings, bird deaths, and frogs raining from the heavens. I recall reading it with great pleasure in my college library when I should have been doing real work. Can’t remember the exact name, or find it with a quick google.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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