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National Review on Traver

Not a fan. In other news, NR is talking gun rights when there’s not an election?

6 Responses to “National Review on Traver”

  1. John Smith. Says:

    That was a good article. A long read but definitely filled with wit that represents the batf and friends as they truly are..

  2. j t bolt Says:

    I KNOW!

  3. Jamie Says:

    Good to see articles like this.

  4. Chas Says:

    Why would any individual even be a candidate for a federal position if he has demonstrated a lack respect for the US Constitution? What’s he going to do, take the oath of office with his fingers crossed?
    What’s next, jihadis as federal officials? Not that I’d be surprised at that coming from the Obama administration.

  5. Ron W Says:

    This Administration is just a continuation (NO CHANGE) of the flagrant lack of respect for the Constitution and Bill of Rights from successive Administrations, Congress and the Courts. Of course, the Obama Administration especially disdains and works to restrict or deny the right to keep AND CARRY arms for self-defense…which historically has always been the main aspect of slavery.

  6. Kirk Parker Says:

    The bureau probably ought to be dissolved and its LEGITIMATE functions dispersed among other agencies

    Fixed it for him.

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