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Drug Peace

Portugal ends drug war.

5 Responses to “Drug Peace”

  1. Hypnagogue Says:

    So did Mexico. I wouldn’t describe the conditions there as “peace.”

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Mexico’s issues are that now they’re exporting here in large quantities and that is dangerous. There laws make small amounts legal. Whole different animal.

  3. mariner Says:

    Now that “Europeans are doing it” can we end the War on Some Drugs here?

  4. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Portugal has not a large supply, nor a large customer as a neighbor. Their experience is not applicable to all situations. Now, some substances might need to be reconsidered; how much is it worth to pretend we don’t allow them, while anyone who wants them can have as much of them as he wants? Keep paying in deficit to deny them, or make them pay. Morality theater, much as the security theater of the TSA. It’s what our government does best.

  5. John Smith. Says:

    Somehow I do not consider cheap heroin doses a win in the drug war… More like a win the battle lose the war situation….

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