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I like Boba Fett

12 Motorcycle helmets that will have motorists doing double takes.

4 Responses to “I like Boba Fett”

  1. Gunmart Says:

    ***Sarcasm alert***

    These helmets should be outlawed… How are the police supposed to enforce the law if they dont know that these are actual helmets or not.

    Guns helmets should look like guns helmets!

  2. Gunmart Says:

    BTW Optimus Prime was the winner

  3. JKB Says:

    This reminds me of a thought I had not long ago.

    Why doesn’t somebody design a bicycle helmet that doesn’t look dorky? Wouldn’t it be better to make it into a form that a self aware kid would want to wear? You can get hard hats in the stetson from, why not a bike hat?

  4. mikee Says:

    I was driving down I-95 back east once, heading to the shore with the family, when we came up behind a looong double column of bikers on their Harleys, wearing colors, looking badass as all get out.

    Traffic was passing them. The bikers courteously stayed in the right lane and were rolling along at 5mph less than the limit, which made their speed about 20 mph less than the cars.

    Somebody near the head of the column had a back seat rider who was adjusting her hair or something, and she dropped her helmet. Into the path of about 100 bikers. Who were constrained to their lane by the cars passing them.

    The helmet started bouncing like a 55mph bowling ball through the double column, which had to jink and weave around the bouncing helmet of death. Nobody got hit, nobody fell off, and somebody near the end of the column actually grabbed it off the road while going full speed.

    All in all, a wonderful display of riding. Except for the lady who dropped it in the first place.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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