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I have no idea Kevin Butler is. But he’s big on the twitter and linked here.

5 Responses to “Weird”

  1. Jeff the Baptist Says:

    I believe he is some sort of VP in Sony’s PS3 line.

  2. cayton Says:

    Sony’s fake VP for PS3

  3. Cinomed Says:

    Yeah the PS3 marketing VP character, simply awesome marketing in my opinion.
    I follow his twitter even though I am a Xbox kinda guy, just you tube him, there is some sort of chronological montage, watching in order is the best, lets you get to know the character!

    Best marketing dude since the apple vs pc ads lol

  4. Cinomed Says:

    Even better! I saw the tweet he linked.

    TheKevinButler: Hey Maguires, check the oven. KB left you a holiday gift…

    The Maguires were a family he had moved in with for like 90 days, to launch the PS3 Move, funny ad campaign.

  5. comatus Says:

    I don’t follow actors; I think the Romans had that one about right. Nevertheless, one can’t but notice: when the gecko first showed up, wasn’t this guy the president of Geico?

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