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No Mandate

Means Obamacare can’t work. Good.

3 Responses to “No Mandate”

  1. alan Says:

    It won’t work, mandate or not.

  2. ben Says:

    alan is right. The “mandate” was pathetic. If you read the fine print, you see that the penalties for foregoing a health insurance plan are much cheaper than any plan I know of. Under the bill, you are always individually better off just waiting until you need medical insurance, before you buy it. It takes the insurance out of the insurance. 😛

  3. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    It depends on what you mean by “work”. If by “work”, you mean cause the collapse of the insurance industry so the rats can get their single payer system, it most certainly would.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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