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Snow Day

Off to a slow start. I think the amount of time it took the kids to get dressed in their snow gear was more than the amount of time actually spent playing in the snow. Well, more like snow-colored grass.

5 Responses to “Snow Day”

  1. Jay G. Says:

    Snow? It’s 50ºF here. God bless Al Gore and his Global Warmening!

  2. Cargosquid Says:

    I want some of that warmening! Its supposed to be in the 40’s and partially cloudy. I want to see the Geminid meteor shower.
    Its snowing…..

  3. ishida Says:

    Y’all have it good. I’m stuck up here in Alaska for the next three years! It’s -9 and that’s WARM compared to the last couple days.

  4. ishida Says:

    Y’all have it good. I’m stuck up here in Alaska for the next three years! It’s -9 and that’s WARM compared to the last couple days.

    Takes me 15 minutes to gear up in five layers.

  5. Jerry Says:

    I remember when it snowed HERE on a relatves birthday, in April. ’78 I think. East TN weather is what gave Algore the confidence to lie to us. To damn un-predictable.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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