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Knock your socks off

Or the opposite of that.

Getting ready for a shower and was laying out something to wear. My socks were inside out. Now, I usually take a sock, push the toe through and then give it a snap of the wrist to get the sock the way it’s supposed to be. I did that and it didn’t quite work and the sock snapped down and hit me right in the junk. It literally caused me to knuckle over.


22 Responses to “Knock your socks off”

  1. Jeremy Says:

    Well, at least you didn’t do something silly like sneeze violently in the kitchen and almost knock Yourself out on the countertop…….or step into your jeans in front of the Wife and promptly faceplant on the floor. Not that ever happened to me or anything……….

  2. SPQR Says:


  3. Guav Says:

    That sounds decidely unpleasant, sir.

  4. Andrew Says:

    Or run out of the bedroom to answer the phone at 3:00AM and, quite literally, do a perfect face plant on the kitchen floor because you had way tooooooo much to dring earlier.

    I didn’t even lose any teeth. But it took me 5 minutes to get up off the floor. And my best bud belly laughed the next day when I told him about it.

    I blame it on the mat in front of the kitchen sink, not the booze. But we all know what the true culprit is!

    Bad news is, you were sober!!

  5. Robert Says:

    Driving and see something out of the corner of my eye. Spider drops from roof of car into my lap, and I reflexively smack it and clobber myself in the nuts.

  6. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Always make my 14yo turn his socks rightside out before they go in the laundry. If he was one of those to turn his shirts inside out, he’d be doing those, too. XYL has to, also. If I’m doin the laundry, it’s my rules.

  7. Stewie Says:

    Running around “sans culottes”, like another blogger I know, is dangerous without proper training.

  8. dustydog Says:

    Feel lucky, Keith Olberman pays $250 to get that done to him…

  9. Paul B Says:

    Dude, what do you have in those socks anyway?

  10. hellferbreakfast Says:

    Never fails!!!

  11. George Says:

    What is this sudden over-use of the term ‘junk’?
    As Leno said, when did ‘the Family Jewels’ become junk?

  12. SayUncle Says:

    Would you prefer i used nads, balls or scrote?

  13. ViolentIndifference Says:

    My wife was tiredly driving her share of a long stretch of road. When a pair of eyeglasses fell to the floor from the compartment above the rear view mirror she honked the horn and swerved to avoid it.

    We were both soberly awake the rest of that trip.

  14. Beaumont Says:

    Wow. The honesty is admirable, but, guys — don’t tell your insurance agents.

  15. Flight-ER-Doc Says:

    Three things:

    1) TMI

    2) Harden the hell up

    3) Never speak of this again

  16. Gunmart Says:


  17. georgex Says:

    Ditto what Flight-ER-Doc said. Sheesh.

  18. Sigivald Says:

    See, that’s hilarious. Because it wasn’t me.

  19. nk Says:

    This calls for a Charlie Pride song: Safe for work. 😉

  20. nk Says:

    Reference (crystal chandelier) for non-Charles Bronson fans: NOT Safe For Work.

  21. Jerry Says:

    Nardio-Scroticular self flagulation is frowned upon, in most areas of modern society. That’s why I keep those little plastic hangers that my socks come on.

  22. Tarb Says:

    If it makes you feel any better, when I’m setting out an extension cord at work and it’s all tangled, I invariably try to shake it loose, and just as invariably whip myself in the groin with a high speed tangled knot of cords. All you need is a light tap in that region to produce eye-watering agony, but somehow, this fact keeps escaping me.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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